The apple third party App Store solution should be in a list under the title: Notable Examples in Malicious Compliance
The apple third party App Store solution should be in a list under the title: Notable Examples in Malicious Compliance
When has that stopped any tech or fake-tech company from making their IPO?
The IPO is where the Venture Capitalist get their paychecks. Is that or being acquired by some big tech like Google or Microsoft.
The current vc investments can not really be recouped with profits. They exist to make company valuation as big as possible before the IPO, so they can as much money as possible selling as much as the company as they can without losing control of the board.
The company will pump REVENUE just before the IPO to increase valuation, but the PROFIT right now is inconsequential in comparación with the total addressable market. It’s all pure speculation and a terrible way to make a sustainable business, but it’s the best way to get a lot of money for the VC and the founders.
I have a killswitch because I wanted to carry the deck in a bag and the default case is too big.
The kickstand and the feel of the case are a nice bonus.
It’s getting bigger, but I said they WERE less than an 1%. And macOS was bigger that Linux for ages.
Then Apple proved they were not an ideal alternative platform, being even more closed than Microsoft, and not understanding the games ecosystem, so Valve pivoted and got into the Linux thing, failed with the Steam Machines, pivoted into Proton, and now I have a Deck.
The technology used by Valve is Irrelevant. The operating system losing support is not even supported by apple. The users of that version of MacOs are at risk because they use a closed source unmantained operating system.
As I said Apple is not concerned with kind of old software. They expect everyone to move up with them, developers and users, or get left behind.
Portal is a game released THE SAME YEAR the iPhone was. In classic hit PC game time that’s “nothing”, you expect to be able to run it, but in Apple’s timeline is ancient history. Take a look into how many iPhone games just won’t work anymore.
They tried. Then apple dropped 32bit binaries support.
Apple is a very expensive partner to have. They do whatever they want with their ecosystem and many developers have been burned when apple decides to make their work obsolete or outright copies it and makes part of the bundled in apps.
So. It would be amazing if valve updated every one of their games for new versions of macOS and if they would kept MacOS proton support. But macOS is a moving target that will break backwards compatibility whenever it suits apple. So I understand that is hard to justify the investment.
In the end MacOs and Linux where less than a 1% of the Steam user base. But one is an open ecosystem where there is competition and some semblance of respect for backwards compatibility and the other is a closed and sometimes hostile environment.
Python for excel, grafana for Bi?
I guess depends of your use case.
Refresh speed, font rendering, integrated features like multiplexing, theming…
What I’m saying it’s that for many games and for many gamers it does not matter, and you can in fact play the game even if it goes bellow 30fps in the deck. But if you need a mouse for clicking “Start Adventure” you can’t play it without doing some hop jumping on your part.
So, for the Deck Verified badge
In my opinion expecting the badge to mean any other thing than what Valve means with it will be an exercise in frustration on your part.
“Technically good” or “Technically bad” are not the benchmarks for the label. Maybe you should look for that in another place?
It’s not (only) a port thing. The game is 30fps locked in every platform.
Doom was 35fps hardcode locked. Could not go above that. Not a port. There are always compromises, and sometimes they are in frame rate.
And, in another order of things, what do you get from 60fps Europa Universalis? 60fps is a cool metric for the usually available monitors and TVs, and I love having at least that in most games. But in many games 30fps and 60fps are the same with a somewhat jumpier mouse cursor. And they are usually the most PC games of them all.
Would I play 30fps Devil May Cry? I don’t think I could if I wanted. Would I play Baldur’s Gate 3 at 24fps? Doesn’t really make that much of a difference in most of the gameplay. Would it be cool to play BG3 at 120fps? Yeah, but my computer is ancient and the deck does not have that kind of power.
I can’t play Deathloop for example. 30fps first person games are really hard in my eyes. The camera movement and input lag are too much.
Many people play games at 40fps on the deck. Maybe taking a look in ProtonDB or Steam reviews is more useful than having a 8 tier verification system?
As I understand Verified should be runs on the deck in SteamOS stable, at 30fps most of the time, text can be read, game is 100% playable with gamepad.
Playable should be you will jump hops. Text is not legible on the deck screen, input with a keyboard or mouse is required, launchers make weird launching the game.
The Verified program is not a performance benchmark. It’s a baseline and each gamer has different performance thresholds.
Some games won’t run at 60fps in any platform (Dark Souls original release) so they should not be PC verified?
I’m on act 3. The performance level is acceptable to me. 30fps/1080p (docked) on low settings.
I’m having more bugged quest or game does not want to detect your mouse right now problems than graphics or performance ones.
I’m in the third act, over 50h played. Every single minute on a docked deck, 1080p/30fps output.
Perfectly playable. Of course graphic settings are almost all the way down and facial hair could look better, for example.
In Spanish we have an expression, “¡No se podía saber!” It’s something like “Who could have seen it coming?”
NFTs are a bad investment? ¡No se podía saber!
It’s an amazing ideology to have because if you can create a plausible future benefit you can do any real evil and feel like the good guy!
Stealed billions in wages from your workers? It’s alright, the funds will be used for you to gain influence and guide humanity to a better future!
Did you release a bioweapon in some global south country? It’s all right! Overpopulation was a danger 5 or 6 generations from now!
Destroyed democracy! It does not matter. Fascism today ensures democracy in the year 4000, trust me bro!
It’s amazing how so many people are falling into the trap and arguing against or even in favor of Microsoft’s CoD argument.
A single game of whatever size or importance is not the problem. But it’s in Microsoft’s best interest that the discourse keeps being this lacking in nuance and centered in aspects like this.
Vivaldi is a chrome derived browser. Using it entrenches Google power over the web.
The manifest v3 debacle, weird “standards” like the recent Web Environment Integrity and more are only posible because Google controls most of the web clients through Blink and V8. They can make or break standards thanks to the massive amount of Chrome and Chromium related browsers, like Vivaldi, Brave, Opera, Edge, etc.
So, glad you like Vivaldi, but you are not that far from google and are in fact an asset for their goals.
We need Firefox alive and well. If we lose it, Google will be THE web and will control it’s foreseeable future.
It’s not that huge of a userbase. Pinterest is bigger. Twitter just have a disproportionate amount of celebrities, politicians and journalists addicted to the instant feedback and drama.
Elon is hooked and high on his own supply, so he seems incapable of understand what Twitter actually IS for most users and that “ego boosting machine for the rich and famous” is not a business plan.
Enshitification implies a degree of planning and success that he seems incapable of right now. And you can’t jump to step three without achieving steps one and two. Never good for (most of) the users, never good for the advertisers. Nothing to squeeze.
I mean, it has gone to shit, but it doesn’t seem intentional. Even in the best of circumstances these changes would not be better for the bottom line than just doing nothing.
“Prompt Engenieer” is one of the funniest thinks that have happened in the recent history of the world.
“Learn to ask questions to a prediction algorithm and get rich! Is the work of the future! Software engineers and writers will lose their jobs, but asking questions is an evergreen field!”
Dude, if the algorithm only understand correctly formatted input is a parser. We have those.
Not being intended as a joke makes it even funnier. I mean, the lack of awareness is amazing.