I don’t want to live to 120. Idk how I’m gonna be able to retire at a reasonable age.
I don’t want to live to 120. Idk how I’m gonna be able to retire at a reasonable age.
Same. Been rocking a refurbished iPhone 11 for a couple years now, works just fine. Couldn’t care less that I don’t have a 14 or 15. It’s a phone. I use it for texts, browsing, and the occasional call (I don’t like to talk on the phone.) I don’t need a phone as powerful as a laptop. Most people truly don’t.
Ya. No shit. Baseless inflation is tough on most people. If everything weren’t so expensive, maybe people would have more money for things they don’t actually need.
So glad I didn’t but an oculus. All of my friends got themselves and their kids headsets and I’ve yet to hear about them being used often. Everyone I know that has a vr headset told me to never buy one. Complete waste of money.
There’s isn’t a difference between cable tv and streaming services anymore. I guess I’m gonna go back to sailing the seven seas.
I’m not surprised. My gf has stories of ex boyfriends and flings that had 0 idea where the clitoris is and that woman can actually have orgasms. It’s only a myth to selfish men and stupid, religious people. It’s fucking wild.
I’m cool if a lot of my childhood is behind a paywall.
I just don’t understand why people buy every new model or even every other model. It always seems to be people that can’t actually afford to purchase them outright and put them on payment plans. It’s stupid. I’m rocking an 11 even though I can afford to go buy a new 14 cash. I’ll probably upgrade to the 15 because I really want a better camera. I could probably rock this 11 for a few more years. Works just fine although there are some small aesthetic blemishes on my current device.
Mm…I don’t think that’s usually the case with all allegations of this nature. You may be partially right but I think people are all over this one because of how “sketchy” he is in the first place. If someone like let’s say…Keanu Reeves is accused of something like this, everyone would probably side with Keanu because of who he is and who he always has been.
Stop posting Elmo articles. Let him rot. He wants this publicity.
Idk why these people are all denying these uaps when the government has literally come out and confirmed they are their videos and confirmed they they do not know what they are. They won’t even click your link to a .mil url because they’re so far up their own assholes.
Skinwalker ranch. Just look into it. There’s also a show which is quite good (although cheesy) but they do obtain scientific evidence of phenomena.
Agree. I literally have to drive to work. There’s a public transit stop right by my house but then I’d have to take 1 more train, and 2 busses to get within 10 ish blocks of my office. No thanks. Especially in the winter when the homeless chill in the trains and busses taking rips off their crack pipes thinking they’re being sneaky. It smells like burnt plastic. I know what you’re doing. I’m not going to put myself around that.
I cannot WAIT to get put on something like that. Happy you’re doing well.
Psoriatic arthritis recently manifested itself after just struggling with psoriatic nails and a little on my scalp. I’m only 33 and in the mornings I have absolutely 0 fine motor skills and it’s difficult to do things like unlock my front door when I leave for work. Painful as well. My dermatologist referred me to a rheumatologist….1 year for an appointment. No joke.
Too much of a pita. I just want to turn my tv on and go.
I just need to find someone that has a plex server or something. I’d gladly pay someone monthly to have access than deal with this streaming nonesense.
Why are you being downvoted? What you say is correct. It’s almost like a calculator. Garbage in = garbage out.
Phew. I was wondering how I was gonna order my blow.