Interesting. I hadn’t seen that. Dude looked like he was on some kind of upper but the supercut didn’t do him any favors.
Interesting. I hadn’t seen that. Dude looked like he was on some kind of upper but the supercut didn’t do him any favors.
That’s really cool. I already foresee Americans intentionally breaking them and finding ways for people to get their phones stuck in there to be assholes and for internet likes.
Human. After all.
Reddit: I’ve done nothing wrong, ever, in my life.
I’ve had a few drivers do this in the US and it has always been a huge cost savings. Uber gives a smaller and smaller cut the the drivers from what I’m hearing. I miss the early days when rides were cheap, driver kept the lions share of the fare and no one was expected to tip.
“Originally placed under house arrest, he was sent to jail in August for violations of his bail conditions, including using a VPN to watch a football game and leaking the diary entries of his ex-girlfriend”
Ok I get the diary, that’s shitty…but using a VPN to watch football? That’s a normal Saturday afternoon.
Aww he looks like mines uncle. Very cute.
If he is, good for him. Double the love.
Yo we have the same dog!!!
Shit, now they know I’m white.
Our immune systems are both one of the most fascinating things about us and for those with autoimmune issues like myself, the most annoying. Always good to see articles like this and I’m glad this focused on the actual science.
I’d love to sign up for the trial if they ever test it for vitiligo. There are wayyy more serious autoimmune issues that can and should be tested first for those truly suffering. Mine is just “hey look at weird color boy”.
Did you get your personal data stolen through the equifax breach? I got about $8. The total settlement was $30 million iirc. Equifax reported $209 million in earnings last quarter.
These settlements aren’t meant to punish the culprit. They’re paltry excuses for justice by a system that will enrich the attorneys involved in the case, allow the company to make back their losses in literal days with no real punishment, and leave those actually by impacted their negligence with pennies.
Unfortunate but good to know. Thank you.
Any idea on when this will be available in the US? Looia like Europe only right now. I’d love to support this.
Also anyone smart enough to know if I can get this from a European if it would work normally on a US carrier?
All I’ve seen since carbon offsets became a thing is how a lot of the projects were either ineffective or outright scams. The idea itself doesn’t incentivise the large carbon producers to actually reduce their emissions, but simply pay to say they are carbon neutral so they can slap it on their website for some positive pr.
I agree with the sentiment of your concern as it is a shit load of info. Only part I would disagree with is that nobody explains it. Depends on your realtor of course but mid-pandemic lockdowns my realtor sat down with my wife and I and went page by page, all printed out, and explained everything. Stopped periodically to see what questions we had, and even light heartily quizzed us. He showed us where he was making money, where the bank makes money, what was likely to happen the moment we signed with the mortgage (sold to a different lender), and where our risks were.
It was a lot. And I don’t look forward to it. But in a day and age where anything can be searched online at your fingertips due diligence is expected by both parties and I felt comfortable going into the closing feeling we had covered most everything.
Old folks mostly. My mom still has a tradition (and wildly overpriced) tv package. They do use a couple of my streaming services though and really like it, my step dad just finished Breaking Bad on netflix and loved it.
My dad finally broke away few years ago and went to YouTube tv. I actually split that cost with him since it’s the simplist way to watch football and it’s the only streaming service I pay for.
The average age of my clients at work is 65-70. While I don’t survey every client, it does seem most I talk to when the conversation comes up still have traditional cable packages. They’re comfortable with it, kinda like a comfort show you watch on repeat or the nightly news they’ve been watching for 50 years, it’s part of their daily routine.
For anyone in the market for a printer: brother.
This reminds me of that silk road documentary. The feds knew they had nothing until they had the creator with not only his laptop I hand, but also open, because the second he closes it and it’s password protected there’s no legal way to prove it was him.
I certainly agree with your line of thought and my beliefs align with them.
My concern is the change in the internet. When I first got online in the early 2000s it really felt like the wild west. It was difficult to find the content you were looking for, however everything was right there for you to find. Sites like google did wonders to centralize sites and make it so much easier to find what you were looking for, and explore areas you wouldn’t have found otherwise.
Capitalism creates change. The benefit of that is to their shareholders. For the last 100 years I do believe it has drastically improved the quality of life for most all of us. However there is an increasing gap as the ultra wealthy, my ceo included, continue to get filthy Rick, while the share of the rest decreases as an overall percent.
We’re certainly in am interesting period. I hope it gets better. I don’t have faith it will. I also don’t want a massive revolution because that often involves a reset and large scale human suffering.
Anyway my rant is over. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Cheers.
Just cancelled my prime subscription today. It was set to renew on Friday. I’ve been with prime for close to 10 years.
I don’t see any value. The price has nearly doubled since originally signing up. The free two day shipping was nice but more and more 2 days is 3-4 and I can get free shipping anyway on any order over $35 without prime so I’ll just build up my cart and be patient or order from another place.
The video content was nice but they’re fucking joking if they think I’m going to watch ads or pay $3 more per month to not have ads. I can easily pirate most content including live sports and they’re making it far less convenient to be part of their ecosystem.
I get my books from the library and store my photos locally.
The literal only downside i see is my buddy won’t get his twitch prime subscription from me every month so I guess I’m costing him like $2/month but he’s got several hundred so he’ll do without.