Just wait until bird flu fully crosses over to humans…
Just wait until bird flu fully crosses over to humans…
MAGA will find this to be funny.
The right wing has wanted this for years because California is very conservative outside of its cities. Splitting the state up would guarantee a Republican Senate.
The 1918 “SpanishFlu” (though it’s believed to have crossed over in Kansas) was bird flu, if you want a preview of what could be coming.
Women are a commodity to the Pro-life crowd. Just get another one if this one dies.
Mass movements can do lots of things, but we can’t even get a majority of people to vote…
Christ, what an asshole.
“Free speech” is newspeak for limited, curated speech.
Oh look, the NYT is suddenly reporting an actual issue with Trump Co. instead of casually sanewashing him. Too late. We will spend decades fixing this sh*t. Literal decades.
We owe commercial real estate investors exactly jacksh’t. This is, at least in part, about securing income for commercial landlords. Their “jobs” aren’t any more precious than anyone else’s jobs that are being impacted hard by this changing era. If they would like to fill their buildings, they can fork over some cash to convert parts of them to housing.
This was his cornerstone campaign promise. And y’all voted for it either directly by voting for him or indirectly by not voting at all.
Don’t act surprised.
I’ll drink to that!
I’ll believe it when I see it. Voter turnout amongst young people is traditionally abysmal. That more are voting this time is great, but it’s still going to below 50%. Well, except for conservatives. They show up.
Please, people, voting takes less effort than a pub crawl. Just vote.
People used to get in serious Federal trouble when doing stoopid shit on airplanes… Not so much anymore…
There are vast political differences between elected officials within each of the two main parties. That’s how the nation compensates for the two party system. Change a party from within -it’s absolutely possible and has been done before- instead of pissing and moaning that your little boutique clique “party” isn’t popular.
Don’t forget to vote third party to teach the Democrats a lesson about genocide….
Seriously the American Gaza protests are 100% about disenfranchising Democrats. They absolutely never go after Republicans. Ever. Ask them about this and they get suuuuper defensive and angry.
Willfully ignorant of what?
I see a lot of complaints about boomers but I never see a strategy from younger people about what they themselves are planning/doing to make the world a better place.
When I was in my teens and 20’s I heard the same complaints about how older people left us a ruined world. And then everyone proceeded to do exactly Jack shit about it, myself included.
But at least I voted, every election, every time.
How the f*ck is this race tied!?
We’re “Boomers” the main problem in this election? Were they the Trumpers…?