Yeah, it’s probably best for most users, but I just personally prefer to treat them separately so I know what I’m dealing with.
Yeah, it’s probably best for most users, but I just personally prefer to treat them separately so I know what I’m dealing with.
Or mine on Vivaldi. It was showing me the notice the other week, but seems to have stopped now. Either they are now time limiting youtube before the ad blocking thing comes back, or uBlock upped the ante.
This is great, but I honestly hate the way that windows treats zips like they are just folders on your computer when they are fundamentally different, and I want to do different things with them. Sure, it’s nice to be able to browse the files inside, but I can do that with 7zip.
Well can’t they just call it Meta Threads or Threads by Meta if it isn’t already, and nothing has to change.
I’m sure there have been mistakes, but calling them incompetent is a bit of a stretch. Yes, it’s an absolutely eye watering amount of time and money, but they are trying to make an online universe with a high level of detail in which you can move between planets and all kinds of environments completely seamlessly. If they weren’t trying to make something with such a high level of difficulty, then I suspect they would have released a finished product by now, but they are making stuff nobody has made before, at least not at this scale.
Perhaps inability to scale things back is a bit of a problem, but I think Chris Roberts realises he’s not likely to get a chance to get a basically unlimited amount of money (in game dev terms) to make the ultimate dream game he and many other people always wanted, so I’d imagine that’s the reason they are just going all out.
so you get hired at level 70 and get 310k of stock? Is this normal for large tech companies? Do you have to sign some kind of blood oath to Bill Gates current CEO Satya Nadella to say you will remain there for n years? Presumably you can’t just get the stock and fuck off? Also, why is stock based compensation (potentially) so huge compared to base pay? Is this to make sure employees work extra super duper hard, or some way to reduce taxes?
I am very excited for Pop OS to get the new Cosmic desktop. Not really a specific feature but an entirely new DE that is quite different from the others and built from the ground up in Rust. Hopefully the first version won’t be totally broken and full of bugs!
Things are slowing down a bit. Isn’t this a good thing for the planet?
Even my phone from 8 years ago was fine. My current phone has a nicer camera and is faster, but all the other stuff is not that important.
Is this before or after it destroys the economy for everyone but the super rich by replacing them and making them compete for fewer and fewer scraps? Sorry, there will be lots more new jobs created by AI probably, like AI wrangler, AI safety consultant and the like. Probably.
As far as I can tell, they aren’t doing a very good job. I’ve seen the notice that an ad blocker is not allowed, and even without upgrading the ad blocker I use I can still just click the close button on the notice and it goes away and I can continue to watch uninterrupted.
If Google does figure out how to prevent people from using ad blockers on YouTube, I think it will help me break my honestly unhealthy habit and reduce the amount I watch, or perhaps even quit entirely, since there are far more ads on YouTube than there were in the past - especially if you also include sponsor ads that are embedded in videos.
He’s basically the new Trump, in that for five years you could not escape Trump’s fucking face on every website you visited. Perhaps Musk isn’t quite that level, but he’s not far off. He’s in the news an insane amount, and it’s basically as annoying as Trump, only he’s not as ugly or stupid.
I don’t even understand why Windows 11 exists. I thought Windows 10 was meant to be the last version and then it was continually upgraded. They never add any particularly good new features, so I’m happy with security updates and staying behind a few months on feature updates to avoid being a beta tester.
Oh, and Windows 11 removed the ability to put the taskbar on the left or right, and I would have thought that perhaps teams of engineers and designers paid 100k+ in a trillion dollar company would be able to make that a reality, regardless of whether or not it’s only 1% of users (millions of people) that use that feature. I heard the right click menus have been fucked up by some idiot as well, and the sad thing is they probably spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make them that way, after many many depressing meetings and someone had to task it all out in Azure, whilst gradually losing the will to live, just to eventually make an already existent feature worse. Nice job Microsoft.
I’m happy to wait until Windows 11 is at least at feature parity with Windows 10 and thoroughly tested before I “upgrade”. I suspect some things got better, but it isn’t worth it.
I think I heard that usage on desktop is something like 1 in 4, which is pretty good. Mobile is another world altogether, since it requires different browsers that support adblocking and then accessing websites through the browser instead of the app for the website, which many users would definitely prefer to use.
Closing the tab and moving on with life is what I do when a Twitter login prompt or paywall appears. I’ve often thought it would be better for me to unblock ads, at least on timewasting sites like Youtube, just so that I get pissed off by the ads and close the tab, making it easier to stop wasting time.
The system goes on-online August 4th 2023. Using a virtual city model Tesla Autopilot begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern Time, August 29th. In a panic, Elon tries to revert to manual driving mode.
And it doesn’t even matter. I’m starting to wonder if Elon is just trying to see how much he can annoy people without them moving to another social media platform. Twitter wasn’t great before and is now much worse from what I can tell, yet its users don’t actually care because if they did, they’d have moved to alternatives, which hasn’t really happened.
God, I hate reinstalling Windows. Whenever I see “Try reinstalling Windows” as a serious solution to some tech problem on the Windows forums I feel so irritated because to get everything back to how it was (*hopefully *minus the issue) is basically a half day to full day undertaking because of all the bloat and annoying settings I have to change.
Linux never annoyed me as much as long as I put my home directory on a separate partition, though to be fair, I didn’t use it as much and was never quite as balls deep in custom settings and apps as with Windows due to Windows being a requirement for work.
Didn’t know that. I also got some kind of shady vibes from Kiwi, but never run into any issues with it. Firefox was causing all kinds of problems with pages failing to load so I bailed, but would be glad to return if they fix the bugs and add full extension support.
I’ve been using Kiwi browser for ages and it’s had extension support the entire time since I quit using Firefox on mobile. I would still be using Firefox if it hadn’t just kept randomly not loading pages anymore and requiring a restart, because it did at least support the one extension I can’t live without; ublock origin, but the bugs were just too much. I might give Firefox mobile another shot when this new version hits stable release.
Don’t worry. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Personally I feel like I’m too addicted to Youtube (and Reddit, which is what brought me back here), so if I can’t block ads, perhaps I’ll be able to quit. To be honest though, even just disabling watch history and reducing subscriptions makes a massive difference to how addictive it is.