Question: I bought my phone unlocked several years ago. I have AT&T. But apparently, because I didn’t buy it from AT&T, my visual voicemail refuses to work
I’ve tried and given up several times to fix it, and it’s not a huge deal; I just miss being able to check my voicemail without calling it.
Do you happen to know anything about this? Every “fix” I’ve found has failed so far
Thank you. When I was in my college days, I used to get bursts of horrible anxiety while tripping — wondering what the hell I would do if someone called me with an emergency. I got over that by realizing how many times I had been way too drunk, and would have been in the exact same predicament if someone called me with an emergency.
It helped me put a lot of perspective into it and not only stopped that anxious thought while tripping, but also created an awareness that helped me to enjoy (conscious-altering) recreations more safely