regedit.exe, my favorite GUI app 🤣
regedit.exe, my favorite GUI app 🤣
Okular for forms. qpdf just for quick viewing and reading. PDF arranger for rearranging pages. pdftk (CLI) for some serious work on PDFs. Exiftool and qpdf (both CLIs) for metadata and linearizing.
Try Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC. There is an official evaluation .iso out there. Keys for full version cost very little. Enterprise 10 is the ONLY Windows out there which is not complete bullshit.
An explanation without an explanation.
What you want is to go along with the business line of logitechs products and scrap the rest. There is an offline version of Logi Options+ “for air gapped machines” available. You may use it in a virtual machine aswell.
You are not used to dealing with bugs, it seems. I would say Linux Desktop users are generally always fiddling around. It also depends on your specific hardware setup.