Know what you mean, would probably be a worthwhile feature request to make on the bug tracker.
Know what you mean, would probably be a worthwhile feature request to make on the bug tracker.
You can change the zone size by dragging the border with the mouse while you are in the editing mode.
Edit: so drag to 1/3 and 2/3 roughly, split the bigger field again.
I see you figured it out. Will add an explanation to my post as well, if you hadn’t deleted your reply I would have answered that instead. :)
You have to hold the Shift
key while moving a window for it to snap into the tiles you set up. If you just move them normally they have a different snapping behaviour like what you described.
Edit: So as the deleted reply was probably asking, this is how it works in full. If you have the KDE Plasma desktop environment after a certain version (I wanna say 5.6-ish?) you can do the following:
, or as we Linux nerds like to call it Meta+T
, to configure your “tiling zones” on your monitors.Shift+LeftClick
on the title bar of a window to move them into the “tiling zones” you set up.Discoverability on this sucks (as much of the Plasma desktop does) but it’s a pretty cool feature.
For many European languages and some non-European ones there is the CEFR, so you could look for an “A1” or “A2” level language course in whatever you want to learn. They aim to establish exactly this basic level of communication.
The other reply you already got pretty much sums up how I feel about Merkel, not a fan exactly. But I’d like to add one specific thing she has my respect for.
During the refugee crisis of 2015 there was a point where her side of the political aisle was approaching hysteria. There were hundreds of thousands of people streaming into the EU from all over the middle east and north Africa, crowds at every major train station and border crossing, normal refugee infrastructure way beyond the point of collapse. So conservatives were starting to seriously argue for the suspension of asylum rights, closing borders, etc. And Merkel was usually one to wait stuff like this out, see what possible consensus forms and then adopt it as if it was her idea all along. But not this time. She saw it starting to gain traction, just came out publicly and said “We will manage this”, and that was that for her. Discussion died immediately.
I may not respect much of what she did before or after, but taking that stance at that moment as clearly as she did, that I respect her for.
Read the policies yourself
I suggest reading this diff to the FAQs instead, paints a much clearer picture:
Basically removes all the language about not selling data and some about privacy. Down in the comments someone argues this is due to a narrow legal definition of that language in certain jurisdictions, but that couldn’t sound more like an empty excuse if they tried. Actually all the reactions from Mozilla I have seen on this so far sound like pure corpo PR bullshit to me.
You and i read different things.
Apparently we did.
I hated how he worded them, but his arguments at greppable and understandable are valid arguments that go beyond rust and if he can read it or not or refuses to.
I’m failing to see how Rust code is not greppable unless you don’t speak Rust.
Mixing languages in a part of a project brings complexity and is often a huge ass nono because it makes things unreadable and hard to manage on a large scale.
An argument which I would acknowledge, but if the decision to do this has been made by the group it still is weird to see it blocked by an individual.
He also argues that a c interface exists to connect 2 parts of a system. The person that changes the interface should not have to alter the users of that interface, […] So if he changes the interface, the rust team will need to fix it, specially since they are the minority.
Nobody asked Hellwig to do this, in fact Krummrich said several times they would maintain the interface consuming the C code themselves. They just want one common interface for all Rust drivers, instead of replicating the same code in each driver. Which Hellwig never gives a substantial reply to.
That also doesnt mean he can change it in whatever way without worry, it is an interface change, that needs discussions and approvals ahead of time ofc.
Again not how I’m reading that thread. As Krummrich put it:
Surely you can expect maintainers of the Rust abstraction to help with integrating API changes – this isn’t different compared to driver / component maintainers helping with integrating fundamental API changes for their affected driver / component, like you’ve mentioned videobuf2-dma stuff.
How do you figure?
The only two “technical” arguments I could see were firstly that code should
[remain] greppable and maintainable
which unless I’m missing something boils down to “I don’t speak Rust”, and secondly that
The only reason Linux managed to survive so long is by not having internal boundaries, and adding another language complely breaks this
which unless I’m missing something boils down to “I don’t speak Rust”, because ain’t nobody trying to add any other languages to the Linux code base.
Surely this can’t be the “decent technical reasoning” you are referring to? I have to admit I don’t follow kernel development that closely, but I was under the impression that integrating Rust into the code base was a long discussed initiative having the “official” blessing of the higher ups among the maintainers by now, so it seems odd to see it opposed in such harsh terms by a subsystem maintainer here:
I absolutely support using Rust in new codebase, but I do not at all in Linux.
Oh it wasn’t that bad. You just had to understand rules, models, layouts, variants, and options. Oh and then of course key codes, syms, maps, states, and modifiers. Oh and then…
Kidding aside though, in this particular case it would have been relatively simple:
If you wanted to enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace sequence to kill the X server by default, you could create a configuration snippet /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-zap.conf containing:
Section "InputClass" Identifier "keyboard defaults" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XKbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" EndSection
This would be equivalent to running the shell command:
setxkbmap -option "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
I moved into one recently and the the process was pretty much like any other flat I rented before. You apply, get invited to visit the flat, you say yes or no, they say yes or no, done. The only difference was that instead of a deposit I was paying for shares of the cooperative. Maybe it’s different in smaller towns though, this was in a university town.
To those who missed the small disclaimer in the post, 1.0 is not properly released yet. RC4 is out, actual 1.0 release should be “sometime [this] week” (barring new bugs and regressions). See: https://blog.freecad.org/2024/11/14/freecad-1-0-release-candidate-4-is-out/
Edit: Release is out now: https://blog.freecad.org/2024/11/19/freecad-version-1-0-released/
can’t see how this can possibly be a good thing, you know it will mean funding with conditions.
Well, the things they are funding will get funded? How is that a bad thing?!
The conditions range from very broad, like “fix bugs” (curl), over somewhat specific like “improve cross-platform compatibility and the Linux RNG” (Wireguard), to very specific like “create a test-suite and drive development on the Fediverse account migration functionality” (ActivityPub).
You can see more for yourself at https://www.sovereign.tech/tech
All of these seem to be rather tame conditions that are just there to ensure the funds get used in the way they were intended to be used. And I don’t really see how that gives the STF any sort of direct control over these projects, while it gives those projects resources to achieve more than they might have otherwise. There are no long-term funding models that would enable implicit control over these projects.
They could set up an account on one of the larger well established Canadian instances or even better start up their own.
Both of these options have their pros and cons, and I think it is important to explain these well to the council if you want to have any hope of convincing them.
A line of argument that has had some success in Europe is what has become known as “Digital Sovereignty”, basically a fancy term for saying government should control its own infrastructure. So you might want to sell it as an easy way to have a permanent archive of public communication and a method for it that is under their direct control, rather than as a way to find more engagement.
As others have said self hosting has a maintenance and moderation overhead, but this can be lessened by running an instance together with other cities while still retaining most of the benefits of self hosting.
Seeing from the linked cross-post that this is about Port Alberni, and considering that http://portalberni.ca/ returns an empty reply while https://portalberni.ca/ lets me know I have been geoblocked because I’m outside of Canada and the US, I’d say you have an uphill battle before you though. These people made a website (probably paid for it, too), and then killed much of its use by geoblocking most of the world.
Good luck.
I don’t know if there is any single takeaway here, this story is just fucking ridiculous on every single level.
This can’t be real. I’m fucking dying over here. Please let there be bodycam footage of the cop speaking in a high pitched voice after. (I know the helium was probably not released into the room, but one can hope I guess)
android auto
First I heard of this, but since it seems to be just some software that runs on the hardware of car manufacturers it seems rather unlikely. But very theoretically possible, if the car manufacturer was using default process scheduling in a CPU constrained machine and now switches to real-time scheduling in an update. But that was possible for years before this news, the code has just been mainlined to the default kernel now. If the car manufacturer cared about that they would probably have done it already with a patched kernel.
Oh yeah, can’t use the same IP range as your LAN, that will lead to problems. :D Glad it’s fixed.
Out of curiosity, does forwarding work now without the output (-o) command in PostUp?
Like I said in another thread on this post, I’m pretty sure that’s because they are forwarding input but not output in the PostUp rules. Setting a /32 in AllowedIPs works fine for me.
What are you trying to say? That reply also shows AllowedIPs set to a /32 on the server side.
Isn’t Karma essentially just the delta between upvotes and downvotes you get with some sort of weighting thrown in?
Because you can very much get that delta on here, it just isn’t visible in the default Lemmy interface. If you look at your account through an Mbin frontend for example you can see the “Reputation points” value in the sidebar: https://fedia.io/u/@wittycomputer@feddit.org