I’m sorry you’re getting down voted. I normally don’t respond since this site is mostly power users who ban people who disagree and call them out.
I can’t believe the toxicity of this site where if you don’t make wild assumptions based on a single article, somehow you’re in the wrong. I get people are anti corporation here but fuck me. There’s so many possibilities that could inferred and be equally valid.
Manager had alerted head office and didn’t mention it because they hadn’t received a reply.
Manager hadn’t alerted head office yet but did after the call.
Manager didn’t explain themselves properly on phone and had contacted head office but didn’t tell customer.
Manager did alert head office and told the customer, but that information wasn’t relayed to the author of this article.
Manager did alert head office and told the customer, that information was relayed to the author of this article but they forgot to include or chose not to include it.
So many options but somehow you’re in the wrong for not assuming the worst of someone because they’re in a slightly higher position of power.
Honestly I feel bad for the poor animals. But the guy? For 7 full years he couldn’t be bothered to get the proper paperwork and licenses to own them? Didn’t get them properly vaccinated and/or treated due to no paperwork. If he’d done right, this wouldn’t have happened. But he’s playing the victim when he’s got the most blame on his shoulders.