What the fuck!
What the fuck!
I dare Alaska to join Canada.
Such efficiency…
It must have gotten flagged for being a transnational facility
Must be the great hacker collective: N_competence
Edit: Well, butter my buns and call me a biscuit. It seems like he might not’ve been lying on this one account. Never mind. Looks like he is lying again.
More proof that Trump is a lying fucking moron.
It’s the 2021 return for me.
I finally got a letter saying “you goofed you calculations, we recalculated them. If you don’t contest the new amount by [DATE], we will send your return in the new amount.”
[DATE] was six months ago.
Yeah… This will only encourage him.
I’m still baffled that so many people think this toddler is competent.
Or the front door if you aren’t fancy
The joke is on the Trump administration, it doesn’t even matter if they are going to withhold all the federal funding anyway.
U.S. Postal Service has no system in place to collect tariffs or remit them to U.S. government
What‽ That makes no sense. Then what do they do with the non-de minimus stuff? I know I had to pay customs to receive a package a couple years ago when the de minimus limit was lower.
I was excited for a moment because read it as his personal physician.
That’s not gonna go far
Things not looking so sunny side up as local Denny’s gets grand slammed by eggsorbident costs due to ova’ul crime. Police unsure if culprits are laying low, on the run, or playing chicken.
I bet it was one of those criminal gangs from across the border we’ve been hearing so much about. We gotta send more troops to protect Pennsylvania.
For those, like myself, who have never heard of the Anglican Catholic Church: they are neither Anglican nor Catholic.
What do you mean by slow? Time till symptoms? time till death? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Raw castor beans contain ricin its a cool looking plant that gets big. My neighbor grew on once accidentally.
Actually a lot of beans are toxic when raw, but not deadly. Raw lima beans are special though; they contain something that the human body breaks down into cyanide. No clue how long that takes or how many it would take to cause harm.
Heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead) are known for building up over time with many exposures. Think mad hatter syndrome, etc. but exposures can also be acute if high enough. IIRC acute arsenic poisoning makes you vomit and diarrhea until you die of dehydration after days or weeks.