Oh I didn’t know they were bought out, I always liked their chargers and just got a external battery for my phone, I guess we’ll see
Oh I didn’t know they were bought out, I always liked their chargers and just got a external battery for my phone, I guess we’ll see
That’s really neat thank you!
interesting, I do have a UPS on my rack already so chaining it isnt an issue. everything is plugged into the UPS now so I was imagining just unplugging the UPS from the wall and into the anker box, then just figuring out how to add enough solar panels to power the rack but also charge the battery
Yeah i went down the same path about a year ago and ended up forgetting i even had a dual boot of windows. I ended up just wiping the windows drive and reinstalled popos as a raid0 across both drives for that little extra speed bump for loading.
I don’t really play multi-player games but I haven’t come across anything not working from steam. The only issue I had was openRGB was detected by the insurgency sand storm anti cheat so I disabled it from launching on boot so my PC leds are just on default most of the time
You just have to ask about stuff. If they have a close relationship with their mom and you’re good at bonding with her then it should be very similar.
Relationships can be like a workout where it takes a bit of effort and energy but after a while it’ll get easier. At least that’s how it is with coworkers for me. I talk and ask questions and try to throw a joke in there and see what sticks, after a while we’re regular ol buds
It’s better to try sooner. Dual booting as you figure things out like software replacement and what distro
Yeah what i did is i got one of those dell thin client laptops. It runs great. I just open up parsec and can remote in to my server that has an i9 and 256gb ram with a 4090 and like 100tb hdd and 4tb nvme
Amazon is pretty easy, just go to the renewal page and say don’t auto renew and hit confirm
Hey as long as it ships it can always be an RMA. If there’s a problem the customer will let us know™
Whoa that’s awesome!
Man why is Fandom so terrible
A singular raid0 for all of them to make sure it’s safe
It shall live on through the generations
Since when do they ask for age? I remember you didn’t even need a verified email
You are allotted one health, next!
Yeah that was my thinking, just to lower the amount of power the rack consumes from the grid by taking some from the sun