Stretch it!
Stretch it!
Yes, you are right, but I meant the safety shutoff mechanism. Normally it just cuts the power to all dangerous stuff or brings it to a safe state. Here it’s not “cutting the power to the magnet”, it’s physically releasing the helium and damaging the superconductor in the process.
Yeah, I can imagine someone thinking it’s entirely electrical shitting their pants too a sound of Smaug roaring.
I am with you on this one. I do think it would be appropriate to have a disclaimer in the beginning, saying that these words used to have a different meaning, and that in the context of the time they were written they meant different things than today.
There is a German book where this is done that uses the N word for people of color.
This is the more appropriate way of handling this, because i am totally with you: we shouldn’t change what was written in books. If we start doing that, we destroy what authors have done, and in a sense we also edit history, because in this case we try to erase that these words were used in another context back in the days.