This reads like an XKCD what if. :D
This reads like an XKCD what if. :D
Totally agree, when it’s on social media, I don’t care at all about it, just another thing to upvote and scroll on by
If I’m talking to them, whole different story, because then it’s more personable
I think one of the biggest reason is how easy and accessible it is to read manga or watch anime. There are countless sites where you can consume each for free.
I tried a few years ago trying to find a way to read comics online for free and found nothing.
Sure not the most legal thing but when you are tight on cash, last thing I want to do is spend it on entertainment.
I did used to read a ton of comics growing up, but I would borrow them from the library.
Why not just tap the screen of your phone to see just the lock screen? It’s especially convenient my phone is sitting on my desk, just double tap
Ahhh thank you I’ll have to see if I can find something like that in my country
What adapter is that? I can only find the stupid fm adaptors
Last phone I had a jack for was iPhone 5, would use it all the time for music and podcasts, would much prefer having a jack now instead of Bluetooth
Is the app already down? I can’t even read reviews of it on Google Play store
I switched to bitwarden when last pass announced they were changing there free model so you can only use your passwords on browser or mobile but not both. Liked bitwarden way better and immediately did the yearly sub to support them.
Check your user settings, you might have nsfw posts delisabled by default
Untill I read the specs I though you might have built a custom router in there as well with the antennas
Thank you was able to find and uninstall the app with no issues