Why did they even do that?
Why did they even do that?
Apparently it’s the former. Their prosecution rate is 8% apparently according to Wikipedia, because they’re too understaffed to deal with cases that can go either way. They also have a false confession problem, but that’s not what’s getting them to that rate.
Amazing. Depressing, but amazing.
I’ve never used a Mac but my experience with iPhones and iPads (not mine) has convinced me to never touch anything Apple makes. The requirement of iTunes to send files between an iPhone and a PC is, for example, just ridiculous.
car makers just jack up their prices so they make more off the subsidy
Really we should be subsidizing EVs from our own manufacturers.
You are. Still not doing much to corporate greed.
Uh… There’s a reason Israel hates BDS’s guts and that’s not because it doesn’t work.
Nope, I’m just a clown who doesn’t actually work in tech.
Oh shit I must’ve said something really dumb now.
(I wasn’t joking).
I mean you can see the source code. You’ll know if anyone does something weird if you have two braincells.
Edit: Clown here move along.
You cannot look at what’s happening while ignoring the past 600+ years.
600? I mean there were Jews in Palestine then too, and very occasionally unforgiveable things were done to them, but the people who are now running Israel weren’t there for any of that. These are people who migrated to Israel less than 100 years ago and their descendants.
True, but:
1-It helps them find “terrorists” to blow up, and
2-This isn’t going away. Even after this “war” ends what remains of Gaza will be perpetually under surveillance (more than they already are). Even if the war ends today, Gaza just became even more of an open-air concentration camp.
I believe we should be very careful to stick the label nazism to everything we find abhorrent. I’d like to judge situations on their own merit, not compare them to other atrocities in our history. The socio-political situation in Gaza is so different than 1930’s Germany
True enough, but the ideology itself is very similar. The methods and forms of injustice differ, but the idea that the ubermench have the right to kill the untermench/enslave them/drive them from their homes/all of the above (also known as Lebensraum) is a very important point of similarity that actually allows us to better understand Israel’s actions and ground them in reality. Comparisons with Nazis are usually unproductive, but in this case they serve to take away the air of Israeli exceptionalism Israel has spent 70 years creating, in the sense that if you logically evaluate the proposition that Israel = Nazi you find it having a lot more merit than you’d expect at first glance. Way too much merit to coexist with the idea that Israel is acting in self-defense. Gonna go on a bit of a tangent, but you’ll find Israeli ideology similar to Manifest Destiny, aka the Nazis’ inspiration. In the end it’s all settler colonialism.
Even experts are having a hard time really putting the finger on all the mess that has been Israel-Palestine situations for the past 600 years.
Why specifically 600 years? AFAIK the modern conflict started about 100 years ago with the Balfour declaration.
So, hot take here: preface this with saying I absolutely condone the surveillance by Israel here.
I think you mean condemn.
It is not reasonable to keep pointing at the holocaust and nazi germany as a stick of " look, you became the thing you suffered under", unless in a context of learning from history.
I mean when a country does Nazi things usually other countries point out that that’s Nazism. It’s not something unique to Israel (see: Trump’s rhetoric being compared to Hitler’s); it’s just that Israel’s philosophy shares a lot with Nazism so the similarity is pointed out a lot.
Then the Holocaust, Armenian genocide, Holodomor and Cambodian genocide weren’t genocides. Good to know. Neither was the American and Canadian genocide of Native Americans.
You should read the UN’s definition of genocide first.
Genocide doesn’t mean wiping them all out, but that aside it’s so they can enforce their reign of terror in the meantime. And because they later sell these technologies as “battle-tested”.
I understood it, and what I’m trying to say is: Unlike in most places, this technology isn’t going to be used even ostensibly to maintain law and order; it’s gonna be used for genocide. Again, think of the FBI and the Wehrmacht using the same technology. Both are bad, but one is clearly a lot worse. That’s why this is cause for concern.
Imagine if it was Apartheid South Africa, or Nazi Germany doing this. Do you see the problem now?
Literally yes. Israel doesn’t have a right to defend itself from its occupied territories. Of course that’s even assuming we can call what’s going on now “self-defense”, but even if it was this isn’t a war between countries, so the idea that they have a right to defend themselves doesn’t apply any more than the Germans had any right to defend themselves from the Warsaw uprising.
It’s a half-pun about actual piracy. Not sure if illegal fishing is actually considered piracy, but that’s the idea.