Just crush up Viagra in it and sell it as sex honey.
Just crush up Viagra in it and sell it as sex honey.
Of course there is an ahego face jar. Why does that surprise me?
Thank you. Some people don’t understand that big change like this would take time to coordinate. This is a step to larger goal.
They got 5 mill for a gold card then.
I did not know what but it makes sense. They normally walk around the backyard.
My sister got chickens in her adulthood. We didn’t grow up with them or anything. I went over a few years ago and saw her chickens all meandering wherever they wanted in her backyard while she tried to herd them all to their pen I was able to catch one of them and put her in their pen. It did kind of remind me of mini-dinos though.
so they came up with a new name and are making everyone update to push data there. honestly i can’t take watching these people be praised for their innovation and promoted to make more of these shit decisions.
This happens so often it is crazy. A bunch of people got hooked up with high salary welfare jobs and now they got to justify their existence. It’s why they like having meetings where nothing productive gets done and they try out their boring ass jokes.
No that is still true. They are against America. That’s why they don’t care about the constitution.
This reminds me of a joke…
A new monk arrives at the monastery and is assiged to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand. When he looks closer, however, he notices that they are copying copies, not the original books. The new monk goes to the head monk to ask him about this. He points out to the head monk that should there be an error in the first copy, that error would be continued in all of the other copies. “We have been copying from the copies for centuries,” says the head monk, “however, I must admit you make a very good point, my son.” The head monk then goes down to the cellar with one of the copies to check it against the original. Hours pass and no one sees him, so one of the monks decides to go downstairs to look for him. When he arrives he hears loud sobbing coming from the back of the cellar and finds the old head monk leaning over one of the original books crying. “What’s wrong,” he asks the old monk. “The word is CELEBRATE!” sobs the old monk.
Nice. I feel the cycle is complete.
Is there an xkcd comic for when people find an xkcd comic for everything?
Sorry. Hurricane warnings and forecasts are only for our members with the diamond package. Would you like to upgrade now for $49.99, so you know when you should evacuate?
They found $4.7 bill last year in back taxes. They will find a lot less than that going after the lower income brackets.
As other have mentioned, you need to rest and make sure you eat proper nutrition. Protein helps repair/grow muscle along with sleeping. Your muscle needs rest days.
Look up some gymnastics arm workouts, if you want to switch up some moves. Doing bicep curls while keeping your arm straight is a good arm workout. You don’t need much weight for it either so it’s easier on joints.
I heard about the idea that the Hadron Collider got us into the wrong dimension when it was turned on. I had no idea that a weasel was involved.
And maybe it was because you referenced the 90’s the sentence before, but I thought you were talking about a different weasel.
I like his message to his former militia members and the paranoia they will have in the future from his actions.
People already said what I was going to say, so I’ll add something new.
Set a reminder for Mother’s Day. It will be here in a couple months and she will have to remember the pain a bit. The ‘first blank’ without her Mom will be happening a lot this year. Those are the time to let her know you are available if needed.
Depends. Could cereal be a stew? Are soups and stews in the same umbrella?
What if I top my ice cream with golden grahams and let the ice cream melt. Will it turn into cereal soup?
That idea has been pushed to us for a lot longer than 30 years of superhero movies. Think about all those books about a lost prince/princess. Someone finding out that they were born special and they have a natural right to lead the people.
Shit, just the idea that most religions push that people are helpless and need a strong leader to follow. Don’t worry about the troubles on earth for your reward awaits you when you are dead.