There are actually Chromebooks with very solid specs, but no, it isn’t that simple. They have custom firmware and components that often don’t play well with Linux, or Windows for that matter.
There are actually Chromebooks with very solid specs, but no, it isn’t that simple. They have custom firmware and components that often don’t play well with Linux, or Windows for that matter.
There are bugged quests, glitched cameras and abruptly disappointed dialogue aplenty in the back half of the game, for sure. Mind sharing your complete game settings? And are you overclocking or something? I’m genuinely astounded by the performance you’re getting and would like to try to recreate.
Yeah, I went back and tried it again yesterday, fully updated. I have no idea how anyone is getting 30 FPS on steam deck in act 3, unless they’re in the camp or something.
Gotta assume those BG3 Steam Deck numbers are gonna tank as people get into acts 2 and 3. Act 1 runs quite well on deck, but no amount of low settings or disabled features provides an acceptable level of performance.
Lucky, or in Elmo’s case, born with a platinum spoon in his mouth thanks to daddy’s apartheid emerald mines.
The issue isn’t the number of seasons, it’s the abrupt cancellation of unresolved stories. 3 seasons is plenty. 2 seasons is fine. Hell, Chernobyl is one of the greatest pieces of media ever produced and that’s a mini-series. Just commit to giving the creators a chance to resolve their story. If that means a truncated final season, so be it. It builds consumer trust, and it increases the value of the back catalog. When I subscribe to a streaming service, a show that was cancelled on a cliffhanger offers me literally zero value. I’m not interested in starting a show that I know will never provide a satisfying conclusion.
It seems there’s a form you can submit asking Reddit to retrieve them, if you wish to explore that option.
No, this isn’t something you can expect.
There used to be a distro called Gallium OS, but it’s been dead for a couple years now.