I also liked very much what was going on in the beginning, same as you. I don’t want to Tesla shame anybody, sorry about that.
I also liked very much what was going on in the beginning, same as you. I don’t want to Tesla shame anybody, sorry about that.
I prefer connectors to be uniform, so that’s the good thing. I just feel the USB C is a bit fragile and not suited for all situations.
Conservatism has been forcefully on the rise, but something like porn can cause it’s downfall. It reminds me of the videotape format wars end 70s, early 80s, with VHS pushing out Betamax due to porn.
I don’t trust Elon, so I don’t trust Tesla. If I would get one for free, I would immediately sell it. I’m not against electric cars in general by the way.
Zuckerberg jumped on the Trump train. I think this anti LGBTQ stance is based on the MAGA opinions that were needed to raise votes.