Nice, thanks! I’ll try that out :)
Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.
I’m on Telegram - feel free to ask for my details :3
My other account is @OmegaMouse@feddit.uk
Nice, thanks! I’ll try that out :)
Oh I’m dumb, I was thinking you meant the 3rd USB along lmao.
The extension cable you mentioned, is that just a male to female USB?
Huh, I wonder if this is why I’ve been having issues getting a wireless mouse with a 2.4 dongle to work… It did work at one point and then suddenly stopped, so I’ve been having to use the Bluetooth mode. I have the same dock - which one is USB 3?
Wait what? How?
Honestly, how dare a religious leader preach mercy? xD
The irony of this whole situation is insane. Republicans get horny for ‘free speech’ but then when someone says something they don’t like, they want them deported. Trump wants to instil religious values in the country, except when those values don’t match up his agenda. What a weird time we live in.
How are you running Minecraft? I’d recommend Prism launcher, and then installing the Controllable mod. It’s excellent - updates the UI and controls to match the console versions of Minecraft.
I have a third party dock, but I’ve experienced a lot of the same issues you’ve mentioned. That said, the updates over the last year have improved things significantly for me.
When it comes to switching between gaming and desktop mode whilst docked I still have issues there. I usually disconnect the display whilst switching, just to be safe.
Thanks for this, but you might have to clarify for me. If I’m using a Steam Deck (and correct me if I’m wrong here), gaming mode doesn’t use the Steam Client, right? Gaming mode is more an ‘inbuilt feature’ of SteamOS?
I was wondering if game recording would now be included, as it makes reference to it here:
Fixed a problem where a Game Recording capture failing could cause subsequent captures to also fail
So is game recording now in stable?
How does Vietnamese indicate when a question is being asked?
Thanks for providing these studies; that’s all quite fascinating
Ahh right thanks for confirming. When I last moved to beta, none of the buttons would work and I could only use the touchscreen. I thought that was quite odd considering beta seemed to work fine for others. Any idea what could’ve caused that?
Is there a way to do a clean installation of the OS without wiping all your downloads? I’d be tempted to do this as I think compound updates over the last two years have caused a few issues (I’ve got the original steam deck)
Ah yes I knew about it, but I’m sure this will be useful to others! Unfortunately I was having trouble with the beta the other week - it caused my button inputs to not be recognised. Tried several things to fix before giving up and returning to stable - which worked flawlessly again. I don’t mind waiting until this feature reaches stable.
Looking forward to this coming to stable
Updating the controller firmware fixed things for me! Give that a try
I ended up using a windows PC to do it - and the latest firmware appears to have fixed all my issues :)
Updating the controller firmware has vastly improved it! I recommend trying that out if you haven’t already.
Interesting article, and a worrying trend. Stamping a bit of text like ‘Generated by Midjourney’ is ridiculously weak protection though. I wonder if some kind of hidden visual data could be embedded within AI images - like a QR code that can be read by computers but is invisible to humans.
Just found the wikipedia page for steganography. Have any AI companies tried using this technique I wonder? 🤔
Thanks for the write up! I haven’t played this one before, but clearly it’s well regarded so I’ll give it a go :)