Can I get this emotion bottled? I want to experience it at full strength later
Can I get this emotion bottled? I want to experience it at full strength later
The illiterate bastard thought “transgenic” meant “transsexual”
Gotta pick and choose your stats, right?
By believing the lies. Willingly. Repeatedly. Publicly.
Your lack of critical thinking and accountability towards those gutting our government is willfully delusional. If you’re not a Russian asset, you’re a useful idiot.
If I thought there was hope for a real conversation, you might get an ounce of respect. But you sold out long before I showed up.
There’s less political backlash when I say it. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about alienating you. You know this but you bring nothing but bad faith.
You’ve made a believer out of me /s
(That /s means I wasn’t serious, it’s short for “that was sarcasm” just getting ahead of your bullshit early)
Your evidence is mind blowing
From this (unmoderated) community it’s more celebratory than informational. This guy’s a known russian jackass.
“you’ll wear multiple hats” => “you’ll wear all the hats”
Maybe he should quick solve world hunger for 6.6B before his money situation gets worse…
So does Putin, he LOVES it when we assault our own allies with pro-russia lies
If you saw that interaction and thought America was in the right then all is not good
Boy am I glad I don’t blindly agree with articles even from news sources I like. I’ve seen the video, I don’t need to be handed my opinion.
How much longer are we going to let this continue?
Virtually they’re asking for that money back
They earn the federal government something like 90B more than they get back.
And every few days (hours?) the US general public forgets this.
Wow, we’re losing allies left and right… Ok predominantly Left, but I can’t really blame them.
It ends immediately after Hannity stops Trump so there’s no reaction. But it happened.
It’s in the article too in case you don’t want to give them traffic.
That’s it Diaper Don, leave yourself no way out by questioning the legality of pardons. True genius at work here.