Behold: PRQL. I only know it exists not if the errors are good, my SQL needs are simple, but perhaps for some complex data wrangling it could be nicer idk
Behold: PRQL. I only know it exists not if the errors are good, my SQL needs are simple, but perhaps for some complex data wrangling it could be nicer idk
You probably already know this, but for those who don’t, git can globally ignore patterns. It’s the first thing I set up after logging in. Honestly wish git just shipped this way out of the box (maybe match .DS_Store by name and some magic bytes?) with a way to disable it. Just for the sake of easier onboarding
I really like it for devshells which is really all I use Nix for. Flake-parts automates so much boilerplate and improves the error messages so much compared to standard flakes. Definitely worth the time investment imo
My way is simple and stupid. I hit F12, then search for “rss” in the html and copy the link
If you’re on iOS, feeeed is kinda slick :)
If you’re happy with your solution, that’s great!
uv combines a bunch of tools into one simple, incredibly fast interface, and keeps a lock file up to date with what’s installed in the project right now. Makes docker and collaboration easier. Its main benefit for me is that it minimizes context switching/cognitive load
Ultimately, I encourage you to use what makes sense to you tho :)
This github page isn’t visible on my mobile device because the ads block the view.
The concept sounds truly interesting but distribution is everything. The AdSense you have is probably not very profitable and is actively hurting your recognition. As politely but bluntly as possible: If you want appreciation and adoption, remove the advertisements. You’re selling us on your idea, not whatever bottom barrel consumerism Google wants me to buy