Ink dries out, probably better to fill it part way and refill more often.
I don’t know this for a fact, but I would assume dried ink could clog up your cartridge or the printer
Ink dries out, probably better to fill it part way and refill more often.
I don’t know this for a fact, but I would assume dried ink could clog up your cartridge or the printer
Maybe if you stopped putting the license in your comments, people would discuss the issues with you?
It’s super cringey and does nothing.
You agreed to the ToS given by the library.
Hence why you have to get a library card to check out a book.
That license does nothing.
Your comments aren’t licensed because you put something in them. It’s stopping nothing. Licensing is an agreement, and requires parties to consent. You don’t just magically force licenses onto people.
If this was real I could license my comments where if you read them, you owe me 10k.
This is the digital equivalent of sovereign citizens.
They might report you to a credit agency or keep your deposit
Yeah, a lot of the cobol jobs aren’t high paying.
There are definitely some, but those are usually emergency hires and not long term…
Coups aren’t just for unelected people. A self-coup is when you use your power to KEEP control.
Publish v3, then add a translation layer for v2 to v3
They are public employees who are changing things at the core of our government. Why wouldn’t we know their names?
Government employees names aren’t secret (asides from a few exceptions) nor is their pay
Like it or not, Harris was the right choice for 2024.
She had access to Biden war chest on day one, which was critical.
She completely wasted her opportunity