Or just leave them. Leaves are good, people. If you can, leave your leaves.
Or just leave them. Leaves are good, people. If you can, leave your leaves.
Except for they didn’t avoid it. They knew it was happening weeks in advance and didn’t do shit to stop it. Just because franchise owners have a bit of autonomy does NOT mean corporate won’t bring the hammer down if they think something will tarnish the brand.
How does searching discord work? I was under the impression that entire chat logs weren’t permanent and that older exchanges would be routinely deleted.
For me it’s because I’m not convinced LLMs are really a stepping stone to any actual AI. They don’t have educational applications imo because there isn’t any way they can separate truth from fiction. They don’t understand the words that they output; they’re just predictive text generators on a huge scale. This isn’t something that can change with better tech either; it’s baked in to the very concept of an LLM. And worse, when they are wrong there’s no way to tell without already knowing the answer to the questions you’re asking. They’re literally just monkeys with typewriters. This is an extremely good article about the kinds of problems I’m taking about.
Nah, they’re resistant to that because their whole engine is fueled with hate. They have persecution and victim complexes. Calling them weird actually seems to affect them because their whole thing is parading around as if they’re the party for “average” aka “normal”(white) Americans.
Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
That’s pretty common grammar for news headlines; yes it means ‘and’ and yes it’s annoying/silly. It probably harkens back to print media needing to condense as much as possible to save on space and ink and it just continues because institutional traditions.
The sense of obligation towards your coworkers is something companies absolutely abuse and exploit. I’m not saying don’t have empathy for your fellow human, but people aren’t typically incentivized to use best possible solutions if they take more work outside of this obligation so you have to be careful to not let yourself be exploited because of it.
Don’t forget Oprah who amplified the idea more than they ever could have done on their own
Ohhhh for some reason my mind went to him trying to tutor other dudes to help them with women. Was very confused.
I know a lot of people won’t believe it happens, because the simpler and more mundane explanation (which is usually the true one) is that it isn’t necessary because of all the data that we know is being collected like browsing habits, searches, etc but my partner has a few times tried to test this as a party trick. Normally her ads are for like kitcschy knick-knacks or like funky flower pots but one time we were hanging with friends talking about this discussion and we decided to all repeat out loud “lab grown diamond engagement rings” for about 15 min. Not 1 hour later she had an Instagram ad that said word for word “lab grown diamond engagement rings.” I know it’s anecdotal and isn’t proof but we’ve done this a few times and it’s seemed to work about half the time; each time we get an ad that’s both hyper specific to what we’re taking about and also not something close to anything we’ve been advertised before.
I like curbside in theory but I’ve been burned enough times with either items being out of stock or weird ass/ more expensive substitutions makes it feel not worth that hassle
and the version locked exclusives in each generation are day 1 dlc
I can see how it would be seen this way, but imo the intention from the beginning wasn’t that people would buy both/all three versions per generation, it was to encourage people to trade with each other. Which absolutely worked when it came out. It was a totally new idea that definitely helped sell more people on the games, because they could connect with friends and trade or battle, with later gens adding even more features for when you connected.
I could see making the dlc argument these days, but at this point you could also argue it’s just out of tradition.
I didn’t see really any questions relating to mod tools or moderation outside of the one that was talking about the join-lemmy lists. Is that what you are referring to or do you mean the lack of mod tool discussion on that AMA?
Oh if only you had bothered even opening up the article. literally the second line:
Up until yesterday, Dropbox offered an unlimited $24-per-user-per-month plan for businesses called Dropbox Advanced that came with an “as much as you need” storage cap. This was intended to free business users from needing to worry about quotas.
Why do you get to decide what is reasonable? I could see pro videographers shooting in 4k easily hitting that mark just doing their job. You’re acting like this was a case of trolls ruining it for normal people when you have literally zero evidence that it wasn’t people just using it how they were told it could be used. If you have bad actors abusing your system, the solution is to remove the bad actors, not punish everyone else for thinking you weren’t lying.
But there weren’t limits… it was unlimited…
I’m not sure about the technicals, but there are some services that are HIPAA compliant, which I assume means something similar to the end-to-end encryption you’re describing. WebeX is the one I know one of my local hospital systems uses.
So, there’s a difference between sound absorption and soundproofing. Curtains and foam panels can do wonders for making your room sound better acoustically but won’t do much to lower the amount of sound getting out. The only way to actually soundproof is either by adding a bunch of mass (bricks/concrete blocks/mass loaded vinyl) or by creating air gaps (or some combination of the two). Conflating soundproofing and sound absorption is very common but they are different. . Paper egg cartons will do little to nothing for either sound absorption or soundproofing; this myth comes from old style sound absorption foam tiles that kinda looked like egg cartons and were therefore referred to as such.
You’re absolutely right about sealing door gaps helping though.