Hard agree. I’ve found the dnd ChatGPT bot to be somewhat helpful here… but even this thing keeps defaulting me back to the 5e version.
Hard agree. I’ve found the dnd ChatGPT bot to be somewhat helpful here… but even this thing keeps defaulting me back to the 5e version.
We were early on, but largely haven’t had any real issues. The worst part has been trying to google clarity on rules and getting the 5e rules instead of 2024.
That’s some drawbridge level thinking right there. Are you not also part of the problem? Because they arrived after you… they’re the problem? People moved there for jobs, same as anyone else who moved there. (For what it’s worth I don’t live in Seattle)
It’s the bigger ones that tend to pay in stock. The googles, facebooks, Microsoft, and startups.
I’ve also been in software development for 20 years at various places in the country and I know a bunch of folks who get paid in stock.
I would argue that this law does tend to unfairly target the tech sector which often pays their people in stock. This is compared to other professions who may make an equivalent or higher salary but will not be subject to the 7 percent tax.
That doesn’t seem quite fair. If we’re going to do this, we should have a 7 percent tax across the board for anything over 250k (or whatever) instead of strictly targeting a particular sector
Just bottled soda for me!
Yeah I remember getting calls for my student loans asking me to consolidate my federally backed loans and claiming I was going to save a bunch of money. In reality they were lowering my monthly payment but at a higher rate and with a longer term, which would have caused me to spend a significant amount more in the long term . Bunch of scams that should have never been legal. Looking at the source, it looks like consolidated loans for folks who owe more than when they started are covered as part of the forgiveness. Hopefully that goes through someday.
The federally backed ones I remember having good to reasonable interest rates (looking at historicals they were pretty low most years) and being much lower than I could get anywhere else.
I’d love to see higher education being affordable for everyone. (If not free)
Isn’t that how all loans work though? It’s just that the lenders insist I pay enough to cover the interest and some principal, otherwise I’ll never pay it off. If I made a payment for a car loan and it wasn’t enough to cover the interest, my principal would never go down (in fact it’d go up if I didn’t cover the interest). I can actually get an interest only home loan (or at least you used to be able to) but I think those are insane. The difference with car and house loans is if you miss enough payments they’ll come take whatever collateral you have. School loans are a bit different in that there’s no collateral for them to collect
I’m not arguing that the situation isn’t fucked. It is. School is way too expensive for the value you get. People who haven’t been paying these loans for the last decade also probably owe way more than they originally took out and you can’t default on them… but the fact that they’re earning interest isn’t any different than any other loan.
The interest all together doesn’t stop accruing but I think the parent commenter was trying to say that the interest will no longer accrue for the portion you’ve paid off. (The same as any other loan) So, if you continue to make your payments, you’re not getting extra screwed because of these shenanigans. No more than you’ve already been screwed at least.
Or is there something unique about this that is preventing people from making payments?
“Britain’s worst attack on children occurred in 1996, when 43-year-old Thomas Hamilton shot 16 kindergarten pupils and their teacher dead in a school gymnasium in Dunblane, Scotland. The U.K. subsequently banned the private ownership of almost all handguns.”
Nice! Glad to hear it’s gotten better! I haven’t tried in a long awhile so I’m not surprised it’s fixed
I haven’t extensively tested it but I have been able to get it to work with both. I was also able to use a usb hub with a Logitech dongle for a mouse and a Bluetooth keyboard. On my flights, I’ll normally pair my Sony Bluetooth headphones.
All of it has worked seamlessly for me.
The following context is at least a year or two old, so I’m betting things have gotten a lot better since: I had issues when pairing multiple Nintendo pro controllers to the steamdeck. It would work and then suddenly drop one or both of the controllers. When using a mouse and keyboard with the deck, I’ve had issues when using game mode (as opposed to desktop mode). Frequently this resulted in my character looking straight at the ground no matter what I did. When in desktop mode, performance takes a hit and my games would drop frames occasionally. I originally hoped I could seamlessly dock this and play couch coop games. At the time this functionality felt mostly broken, but I’ve been told it’s gotten a lot better in later patches.
I have the older steam deck, but I still love it. I’ve used it for rocket league, a whole suite of indie games, Sifu, Like A Dragon, and a semi tolerable bg3 experience. Emulation is also pretty fantastic.
Just a heads up that CS2 isn’t super enjoyable to play on the steam deck. Unless you’re really good with the gyro aiming, you’re going to get wrecked. I also had some frame drops when playing csgo. It’s possible that that’s gotten better with CS2 though.
I’d stick with the old mouse and keyboard for those games unless you’re somehow playing with folks who also have steam decks.
Only the cellular iPads have the eSIM. The standard WiFi ones do not. Since iOS covers both of these devices, older models, and folks who choose not to have a carrier despite having the ability to do so, I don’t believe this would be a partial solution at best.
Interesting thought! This wouldn’t work for iPads and iPhones with no sim (but use WiFi) though
I’m really interested to see how they’re going to region lock this. Will it be where the device was sold? Does that comply with EU regulations? Will it be geographical location? If I move to the US, will it lock the side loaded apps? If I grab a VPN can I side load things?
Not sure what your situation is, but I’d be willing to bet you could find a group of players online that’d be thrilled to have a DM! Either way, good luck with being productive and the therapy!
I’m super interested to hear how your therapist convinced you to be their personal dm!
This article is entirely bullshit speculation.
If you’re using a roomba, the app will typically tell you when to replace your brushes and filter. The filter you can find easy replacements for as well as the little spinning brush. The bigger brushes are harder. You can buy replacements from third party vendors for cheap, but they’re not perfect… and if you have carpeting the roomba will freak out until the third party brushes wear down a bit. After that happens, everything mostly works.
I usually clean out the roomba every week and replace the brushes every 4 months or so. I run mine nightly though (I have kids).