why are you the way that you are?
why are you the way that you are?
which is 2-state, which is why it’s powers of 2
It was basically an aeroplane flying with dead pilots before then
aren’t we all
if I can’t tell that my battery life has been reduced, why do i care? i’m literally oblivious to it
Surely I know when I want my phone’s battery replaced, because I’m the one using it?
if you want more bandwidth you can just use more lasers
In the congress hearing zucky boy did, he was asked whether Facebook could read Messenger and WhatsApp messages
his response was to more or less trip over himself avowing that Facebook couldn’t read WhatsApp messages—even when a follow up question specifically asked him about Messenger, he chose to ignore it and reaffirm that WhatsApp messages were private
i don’t really see why he would’ve done that unless WhatsApp actually was encrypted, given that if he were lying about one it would be a lot easier to just lie about both
but SMS isn’t where “main communication” happens anymore
virtually all banks and institutions also send out letters via the postal service, but I wouldn’t say that was proof that “main communication” was typically delivered via envelope
whatsapp is e2e encrypted
that’s a gibibyte
a gigabyte is 10^9
the point of the original post is that artificially fixing a bias in training data post-training is a bad idea because it ends up in weird scenarios like this one
your comment is saying that the original post is dumb and betrays a lack of knowledge because artificially fixing a bias in training data post-training would obviously only result in weird scenarios like this one
i don’t know what your aim is here
any AI person training their algorithms on AI generated data is liable to get fired
though this isn’t pertinent to the post in question, training AI (and by AI I presume you mean neural networks, since there’s a fairly important distinction) on AI-generated data is absolutely a part of machine learning.
some of the most famous neural networks out there are trained on data that they’ve generated themselves -> e.g., AlphaGo Zero
but that is not a fix
congratulations you stumbled upon the reason this is a bad idea all by yourself
all it took was a bit of actually-reading-the-original-post
kind of awkward that this both:
it’s absolutely coconuts that you’re currently attempting to die on the hill of a giant “buy now” button not being an advert
also, you do realise that the launcher is an advert? that’s its whole reason to exist. your take is essentially “you’re dumb because after you’ve clicked through the adverts, there aren’t any adverts”
I agree that BG3 is a great diversion from the usual. My point is kind of that if you’re a purist about this, you’re missing out on it, even though on the whole it bucks the trend.
I have the same launcher settings set, so I mean I kind of agree? But you’ve seen the advert, and that’s basically all they want.
I just think it’s kind of weird how people react to things once they’ve filtered their thinking through the hivemind of the internet versus before.
Yeah, you absolutely can, but knowing to do that means that the advert has already delivered its message to you.
Futzing around with the launcher settings seems like more work than just clicking “no” on an advert that pops up.
I mean I guess Divinity never had ads unless you consider the launcher an advert for their other titles, given that that’s basically what it’s there to do?
If you don’t consider anything in launchers to be adverts then I guess you can play BG3, because that’s where the advert for the DLC lives?
I really feel like if Larian had only given you the soundtrack and not the cosmetics, and just not called it DLC, that people really wouldn’t be so up in arms about it.
Baldur’s Gate 3 was probably the best game of this year (?), but it has an advert for the DLC as soon as you launch it
However, it’s also probably one of the least-bad “triple A” games of this year when it comes to overall monetisation, that singular DLC of cosmetics and the soundtrack being the only one available
Unfortunately, I think this one is a losing battle
you can e2e encrypt emails though?