First off, there’s nothing we can do about moving away from larger hosting Corporations, not with the technology we currently have. If we want to reach a national or international audience, we need infrastructure, and that has to come from somewhere; a business model makes sense. If you’re hosting to a small community, you’d be able to get away with 1 selfhost, but to scale you’d need redundancies and bandwidth. The best choice we can make is the companies we would rather do business with. At this point, I’m definitely favoring Cloudflare and Azure (in that order) over AWS.
I would argue that the fractured - often openly hostile - intra-instance infighting on Lemmy feeds directly into OP’s image’s “this is too weird and scary” attitude.
I see this in a lot of comments about this so while I don’t want to downplay the severity of this, I’ve personally never see instance in-fighting. Maybe it’s the things I’m subscribed to, idk, but I usually visit both my local and all just to see what’s going on. The Hexbear domain being sold is probably one of the first times I’ve run across discussions about other instances. Also, their domain being sold is lowkey hilarious. That was a problem as old as the internet (losing a domain). As we move to decentralization and privatization/ownership of data that’s going to continue to be a thing I think.
Its the same intra-channel fighting we saw on Reddit,
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the intra-channel fighting - is it just disagreeable people commenting, or is it like “This community is better than that” or “This instance is better than that”? I often see discussions on Reddit, arguing, bad faith actors, but I wouldn’t classify that as in-channel-fighting. idk.
There’s not a lot we can do about it individually.
Complain. JoinLemmy is Open Source on Github. If you have ideas - share them. If you take a look through their issues and feel like adding in your 2 cents, go for it.
4 of the richest men in the world who own 7/10 of the most popular websites on the internet donated to and sat at The Presidents inauguration. They own the information pipeline and can literally control propaganda completely unchecked and unsupervised. Most of those gun toting freedom fighters use those platforms because it’s all they know. Their family is on it, their business is on it, their news comes from it, they get their daily dopamine kicks from it.
There isn’t going to be any Civil War. It’s just going to be a slow rotation into what Russia currently is now. Little by little by little, hardly noticable changes, over a long enough period of time (say 4 years or so), until one day they wake up and say “Well, it was better then but there’s nothing we can do about it now.” and go about their day.
The next war is going to be a war of ideas and a war of messaging. We can’t rely on online outreach and have to be proactive IRL spreading messages that it really is a class war. There’s no better time than now, no more apparent point in history than today, it’s just pulling those people away from the propaganda for them to realize it. Somehow, We The People, need to convince the Boiling Frogs.