The thing is that when all this went down, there was speculation that he was fired by corporate drones wanting to make Line Go Up, because a large percentage of the company’s employees signed a letter demanding he return.
Cripple. History Major. Vaguely left-wing.
The thing is that when all this went down, there was speculation that he was fired by corporate drones wanting to make Line Go Up, because a large percentage of the company’s employees signed a letter demanding he return.
Sadly unsurprising. Israel doesn’t interact with international institutions in good faith.
My favorite part is where he was the least funny member of a very funny show in literally every episode.
Man, if I was trying to write a satire about the current state of political affairs, “Protester against genocide gets put in a headlock by a bystander while the crowd chants ‘JERRY! JERRY!’”, I’d be told the ‘Jerry Springer Show’ comparison was a bit too on the nose.
Was that before or after the Bee Movie?
The audience immediately began booing the heckler and chanting “Jerry! Jerry!” as another bystander wrestled the protester into a headlock.
Fucking what
“This is exciting. I like this,” the comic said as the original protester was escorted out of the venue. “I like a little Jew hate to spice up the show.”
Fucking what
“The only democracy in the Middle East”, Israel supporters say…
Cut 'em loose. Fuck 'em both.
Wow, I’m so glad that the online left is now into outright rape apologia. “There was only a preliminary investigation because he fled the day he was going to be arrested, therefore, this is clearly a false accusation” My favorite bit is where the article talks about how the woman accusing him of rape never actually accused him of rape, and then outright admits
She says that’s not a problem. He could sleep with her in her bed. Consensual sex occurred that night. With condom. But she says Assange intentionally broke the condom during intercourse. If that is the case, it is of course a sexual offense, so-called stealthing.
But hey, believe all women, until they say something against someone we like.
Fucking repulsive.
“He was tortured because he stayed in an embassy of his own free will to avoid being arrested” is another fucking gem.
Some people have no fucking decency.
More than 300 human rights lawyers and law professors from numerous countries sharply criticized Melzer in response. In an open letter, they said that on the issue of sexual violence, Melzer’s intervention was “both legally erroneous and harmful to the development and protection of human rights law.” Melzer said he stood by his statement that the evidence collected in Sweden was not a basis for investigating the suspected rape.[142][143][144]
One of the women interviewed by Melzer later criticised him and demanded his resignation. She said that by defining how a “proper rape-victim” should act, Melzer was engaging in victim blaming and that his report was partially untrue and defamatory.[145]
“Believe all women, except the ones who say anything against One Of Our’s™”
Not quite how I remember that phrase going.
“Rapist who successfully stalled until rape charges were dropped is trying to stall until other charges are dropped too”
Even if it is referring to right-wing assholes, the US is one of the safer places in the world for LGBT folk. That’s not high praise of the US so much as damnation for most of the rest of the world, but either way, one is definitely not in “FAR more danger” inside the USA than “almost anywhere else”.
You are in FAR more danger inside the USA than almost anywhere else. Projection to idiots.
Fucking what
I want to see the people coming into these threads defending the cops closing down these camps defend the cops arresting 2300 people.
I’ll half-bite, I suppose - disruptive encampments and occupations of buildings of institutions that are attempting to continue functioning are situations in which one should expect a police response to disperse after a period of time. These institutions have an obligation to the other students and faculty, not just to the demands of the protesters, and the right to dictate what is and is not appropriate usage, or after what period of time it becomes inappropriate usage, of the university’s buildings. And if the demands of the protesters are unrealistic or out of the hands of the institution, then there is no other real recourse but a police response.
Of course, on the other hand, anyone who has seen what the police response is knows that it’s American police being more militarized than the US military and using the opportunity to vent some of their roid rage and testosterone poisoning.
But police closing down such protest encampments is not inherently illegitimate.
It is possible to defend one’s country without killing 1% of a region’s civilian population in less than half a year?
Neat map, thanks. I’m not terribly far away from clearer night skies, but I’m down in the red-purple and not particularly mobile.
Don’t think I’ve ever seen a legit night sky in person.
AI is making me into a luddite
You must be the change you wish to see!
Holy fucking shit, I need to eat my shoe