.ml aka “totally not vladposting nazis in disguise”
.ml aka “totally not vladposting nazis in disguise”
Cmon, guy. You know the truth, deep down. Well maybe not that far down
Cry more nazi bitch. Your tears make me happy
The phrase is “i could care less but i dont”
People really hate nazis my guy so even doing shit as a joke pisses people off. Its not cute its fuckin fighting words
I’d say I hate nazis about 3000% more than republicans hate immigrants
Because helping others feels better than being an asshole
You get more liberal when you get older. puts on pirate hat and racks shotgun
Probably means that the election was actually fuckered with
Allegedly. Guy doesnt even look like the pictured guy
France bamboozles chinas nuclear reactor time with a steel chair
Nuclear powered hands in the palm of my hands
Not sure why youre being downvoted your not wrong. The peasants need to sack up and help dismantle this shit
The cult following he has is truly astonishing. The perfect toilet bowl of gullible and psychopath
Sounds more like youre spinning wheels than experiencing life. Maybe you should try that. Go muddin, spin some wheels, hang out with your inner child, be your true self, buy some guns, overthrow the government, write a book about it and get laid in the garden.
Pre-universe non-existence: “Am I a joke to you?”
-> seinfeld -> kramer
And we’re back
Dont forget openly bragging about his wide berth of knowledge
Well it was because the el3ction was actually r1gged so