German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • My corner of the internet is the fediverse mostly as others said.

    My real life corner has moved to Bluesky from Twitter which isn’t great but an improvement. I do have to say I prefer the way Bluesky allows you to make feeds and share them over Mastodon discoverability quite a lot.

    The move away from meta is slowly starting. Facebook is a thing anymore. But Instagram still has people struggling to move away (as does WhatsApp but signal works similar enough that I get people to slowly move over). It’s not open source but miles better than Zuckerberg.

    But Pixelfed just isn’t a thing most people know about it seems. Same with lemmy. So reddit is still used a lot or quit without replacement because everyone hates the app experience around here.

    Pixelfed also isn’t my thing but then I never used Instagram or TikTok either.

  • While I don’t think we can beat AI driven content degradation by outposting them, I still agree posting ‘just Google it’ does any good either.

    Post an answer or link a topic which covered the same question in detail. But directing people to Google isn’t something I’d advocate. Maybe tell them to Ecosiate it if you really have to.

    Also it’s just rude and creates an uninviting admosphere around here Imo.

    But the AI issue can’t be solved by users alone. It’s moderation and maybe regulation which is needed here.

  • Right? For me the free as in freedom always had the upside and downside of people have the freedom to use it how they want. Within the very lenient license which might be in use of course. This can include the freedom to do things with the software which the creators and contributors might not agree with or like.

    But in the end a certain trust in humanity and the concept of freedom itself mean that we believe the net sum of making your software free will be positive for everyone. And to this day I haven’t managed to become enough of a cynic to change my mind on this.

    Its possible to dicuss licenses which helps prevent certain abuse cases. In fact those already exist. However people talk like this is the main issue of FOSS which I don’t think it is at all.

  • Here is what I think is happening. Google blocks certain third party tracking cookies by default in chrome. They said theyll make a list to distinguish between what they call good and bad cookies. Also they’ll add built in tracking for Google into chrome.

    With chrome being the most used browser by far they can use that to sell white list slots on their list or access to the built in tracking. I assume that’s what they are after.

  • Great history of dnd type ramble video which is also great advice for all the current edition change.

    I came into dnd end of advanced 2e and really got into it with 3e. I was there when half my friend group left for wow and the other half didn’t like 4e. I went to pf1 back then and to more other systems like shadow run, arkane Kodex, fading suns and the Dark Eye. I came back to dnd 5e late but before pf2e was announced. But I never truly dug 5e. It’s a perfectly fine system but I’m not passionate about it. Only recently with the OGL betrayal I jumped ship and went to pf2e which I absolutely love.

    It was fun to hear how Matt experienced this era. Changing editions and games isn’t all that bad or hard as some people make it out to be. At least from my experience.

    I also never understood edition warriors or even system warriors. Everyone should play what they like. Systems are different and some are better suited for certain groups or players than others. All I advocate for is people try a few different systems when they can. Often I find people to be surprised that they like other systems way better and that those rules can do things they never thought a TTRPG could do.