Fair point. It’s going to be an absolute shitshow. If worm brain and felon fuckrat eviscerate the FDA, I don’t even know vaccines would continue to exist in the US.
Certainly, pharmaceuticals have a vested interest in continuing to produce them. Best case, they defer to regulatory standards from other nations and the FDA becomes a rubber stamp agency. Worst case, they’re allowed to peddle dangerous products without proper trialing.
WTF is going on in this thread? Are milkies the new tankies?
Hilariously, they’ll be culling their own herd, so to speak. You just know the MAGAts will never wear masks again, even to save their own lives.
This has to be the way to (possibly literally) die on a hill. There’s simply no downside to pasteurization. It effectively inactivates dangerous pathogens because, unless you have a cow in your back yard and can strictly adhere to your supposed “hygiene” protocols that magically negate the safe and reliable process of we’ve been using for well over a century… you know what, no. Your take is just ratfuck insane.
What’s the difference, really? Aren’t they both decentralized microblogging social networks?
Blaming remote work, the avacado toast of 2023.
Oh sheeeit! I used revanced on Android, but I had no idea there was also a Firefox extension for that. Thanks!
Not even, though. Practically all the YouTube “creators” these days have [this part of the video is brought to you by scandanavian interwebz to keep out teh hax0rs] sponsored segments that are [Have you shaved your fuckin’ nutsack lately bro? Check out this ball hair trimmer from clipyerjunk dot com] littered throughout [zzzzzzzzzip … ^reecrootah ] their videos.
That being said, some of them at least put effort into finding and vetting content-relevant sponsors that can actually be helpful. I can kinda just barely tolerate those.
Agreed. This is well outside the scope of native browser functions. Firefox already has a rich extensions ecosystem. They can just include the extension with the browser by default for all I care, but as a native feature, this makes no sense.
They intentionally choose to handle errors poorly.
Meanwhile, Linux: why yes, I’ll update the kernel in-place without rebooting and keep your 784 day uptime.
To be more fair, it should be way easier to use root on Android than it currently is, and it could be done without compromising security.
Like, I shouldn’t have to dig through mountains of unofficial documentation from weird sources, only to the find that, whoopsie, this method doesn’t work for your particular submodel of phone, you have to take this ultra-specific path that’s prone to issues and may not work. Oh, and make sure you backup your entire device, because rooting will wipe it and now you have to spend your entire fucking day restoring everything.
Like, just give me the option to enable root access somewhere in the developer settings. It can even be an obscure (but simple) process like it is to enable developer settings in the first place by tapping “about” a dozen times or something. Put up a half dozen warnings explaining why it’s “dangerous” for mortals to enable root for all I care, just make it work.
Microsoft errors be all like
Contact your administrator
Motherfucker, I am the admin.
Jesse, we need to cook the books
Excuse me, but it’s GNU/Cancer
(sorry couldn’t resist, best of luck Stallman)
Western Digital be all like
If governments actually gave a fuck about antitrust anymore, it would be. 20-ish years ago, they dragged Microsoft to court over simply bundling IE with Windows. It didn’t even constantly nag you to set as default; just the fact that it was bundled at all was enough to make it into the sights of regulators.
Tedx speaker and OnlyFans model Zahira Kelly-Cabrera offered her take on this
This entire sentence is it’s own reflective meme.
Gen Z seem to be scarily sex-negative again, see all their complaints about sex scenes in films as an example.
I don’t keep up on zoomerisms, is this really a thing? I thought zoomers were basically the OnlyFans generation.
Isn’t your “phone call” a Hollywood trope? It’s not like you get to gamble on the highest stakes call of your life (oops, line’s busy or you misdialed or whatever), but you only get one chance like it’s some legal gotcha the cops can pull on a suspect.