Hey, if they get traction, it’s a start.
A tool using primate, probably friendly. Likes cookies.
Hey, if they get traction, it’s a start.
Bold of you to assume there will be free and fair elections in four years.
You can also search for “starter packs” of helpful people to follow in whatever you are interested in, e.g., history, cooking, overthrowing the government, etc.
False flag crossed my mind as well, but it would require an absolutely massive conspiracy between federal, local LE, and some very dumb hicks that simply could not happen unnoticed.
They’re coming for you even then if you aren’t rich.
Yep. There’s “rich” relative to most folks, then there is couldn’t-spend-all-my-interest-income-in-a-thousand-lifetimes rich.
The real leopards know which is which.
Unless you are white, male, CIS-het, and an evangelical Xian, they are coming for you to. You’re just a bit further down the list.
Haven’t been there in a decade despite having been there for a decade and helping many real people in real life from there, and I’d have to say: depends on who the target of the violence is and whether or not it’s phased in the subjunctive mood.
Well you have just described Metafilter. I’m a liberal a lefty as can be, and eventually even I got tired of the drama and obvious virtue signaling. And at the end of the day, drama and less-than-appropriate virtue signaling were what the mods wanted.
This is a good answer and probably the right solution (still not 100% convinced defederating isn’t, ultimately, going to be the answer though).
But your Jane/Joe Average User doesn’t look to see which instance that pr0n cute picture of a cat holding a teddy bear is on. They probably don’t even understand the concept of different instances showing content from others. Hell I’ve been online since 1992 and it took me a couple of days to get my head around it when I joined.
So I think we need some kind of step by step “If you see X, then do Y” sticked to the instances that care about this for the people who (like me) do care about this issue.
Can we use fire again to put down the rebellion, pretty please?
I too am skeptical, but there have been so many of these the last few days… is it just a new meme?
And the SWIFT System.
If you finally achieve this please make a post about how you did it!
I would I would! But I cannot seem to find a decent one since Google killed theirs! What’s a good one?
I could keep up with so much more when I used RSS.
Not related to the article, totally anecdotal, and n=1, but it seems Google Maps has really dropped the ball as well.
I like the cut of your jib!
Fair enough. But if you don’t tell someone why you are unhappy with them or the situation they control, then nothing improves for anyone.
The answers here are making me wonder if I should do the same - what are the downsides? Having to look up every single username and password for example?
Not as long as virtually all commodities trade in USD and USD remains the world’s reserve currency. I do get your broader point about any “revenue” raised by tariffs.