The American police were invented to capture black folks and to guard the elite’s interests, not to safeguard the things that make civilization worth having.
The American police were invented to capture black folks and to guard the elite’s interests, not to safeguard the things that make civilization worth having.
Sending a Terminator to take down conservative characters throughout history would do the world good. The guys who shot Lincoln and President Garfield? Gone. Hitler? MyPillowed in the crib. The police who assassinated the Black Panther leadership? Reduced to ham cutlets before they can go to work.
Alas, we don’t have a benevolent SkyNet to save us from cruddy outcomes. We will have to do it ourselves, in the now and future.
It is good(?) that he released capable workers from federal service…so that they can serve someplace more democratic. The more that Yarvin’s Cabal undercut their own competency and reinforces the good guys, the better it is for the free world.
Personally, I find that for (local AI), the recently released 111b Command-A is pretty good. It actually grasps the concepts of the dice odds that I set up for a D&D-esque JRPG style. Still too slow on mere gamer hardware (DDR4 128gb + RX 4090) to be practical, but still an impressive improvement.
Sadly, Cohere is located in the US. On the other paw, they operate in California and New York from my brief check. This is good, that means it less likely for them to obey Trump’s stupidity.
While I do prefer absolute free speech for individuals, I have no illusions about what Trump is saying behind closed doors: “Make it like me, and everything that I do.” I don’t want an government to decide for me and others what is right.
Also, science, at least the peer reviewed stuff, should be considered free of bias. Real world mechanics, be it physics or biology, can’t be considered biased. We need science, because it makes life better. A false science, such as phrenology or RFK’s la-la-land ravings, needs to be discarded because it doesn’t help anyone. Not even the believers.
Him first, so that we can piss on his grave.
Here’s hoping that Musk is someday forced to live on social security. Or dead. Either outcome would be fine by me.
This is why I advocate for a ‘band of wealth’, regarding the income and wealth of people. Everyone should get universal benefits that ensure survival and wellbeing, while money is for buying luxuries and lifestyle upgrades. Income and wealth obeys certain limits, to ensure no one obtains a level of money or resources beyond a certain point. It would be a bit arbitrary, but fiat money is already purely a thing based on belief. Might as well make a UBI economic system that leverages belief to make life better for every single person.
Yeah, I definitely don’t have loyalty to fascism. Being autistic and leftist, they will want me dead. Here’s hoping that I can help in some useful way.
I am hoping that Trump is dumb enough to declare war against Canada, the EU, Panama, and Mexico simultaneously. That would make it easier to dogpile the fucker.
For the moment, though, it looks like that he is gearing up against Mexico first. IIRC, something like 10 brigades are being placed at the border. I think he might be able to convince the cartels and official Mexican government to ally, considering that he can’t tell the difference between anyone who isn’t him.
Better for Musk to be evil and in mental decline, than for him to be evil and stable. The latter implies that he would be around long enough to see his plans through.
If I had Musk money, I would commission lots of hentai media and bribe politicians to give more rights to everyone. No more porn bans in Texas, science-based textbooks in schools, term and age limits on SCOTUS, sex work is protected work, buy anime & cartoon IP to make it public domain, ect.
…if only.
Hopefully he offs himself before his DOGE takes full control of a nuclear silo.
I think RFK is the Horseman of Plague. Guess the role of Famine goes to Musk, and War belongs to Trump. I am not yet sure who is Death, but they will reveal themselves soon enough.
Here’s hoping that RFK suffers a hunting accident.
We should use the chopping block on him, and repurpose his wealth to fund government programs. Especially for repaying federal employees for this shitshow.
I like AI, but it definitely isn’t ready for something so important as governance.
Which is why it is perfect for DOGEbags: They want to break everything, and just say the AI is at fault. Odds are that they will blame gay furry hackers for trying to ruin everything.
Thing is, those terrible people don’t enjoy the everything that they already own, and don’t understand that they are killing cool things in the crib. People make inventions and entertain if they can…because it is fun, and they think they got neat things to show the world. Problem is, prosperity is needed to allow people to have the luxury of trying to create.
The wealthy are murdering the golden geese of culture and technology. They won’t be happier for it, and will simply use their chainsaw to keep killing humanity in a desperate wish of finding happiness.
I don’t mind AI. It is simply a reflection of whoever is in charge of it. Unfortunately, we have monsters who direct humans and AI alike to commit atrocities.
We need to get rid of the demons, else humanity as a whole will continue to suffer.
I think a fair chunk of people just don’t care. Regardless of who is in charge, so long as they don’t suffer much, they will go with anything. If the USA was a social leftist society, such people would just go along with it, because they are not concerned with politics.
Anyhow, I hope that we can destroy capitalism as we know it and replace it with a largely leftist system, with it designed to transition into a post-scarcity society. Yarvin’s Cabal might have opened the door to that possibility. If the elite hurt enough people, it is pretty likely that we can have a French Revolution scenario.
May Saint Luigi watch over us, and hollowed thrice over be his gun.