Appreciate the comprehensiveness of this post!
Appreciate the comprehensiveness of this post!
I’m experiencing this too. Particularly in outlook web (which I am forced to use for work). Frustrating!
I think clear Linux is optimised for Intel chips. Not sure if there is an equivalent for amd
How is it? I was put off the last time I tried it due to the fact that it didn’t seem to run in the background. Also wasn’t great with office365 (which I have to use due to work)…
Will look into this - seems like a good solution!
Same here. I just get muddled up with all the other package managers. Tried Debian/Ubuntu a few times but always end up with a load of ppas and everything being a mess!
Ah ok, I will keep an eye on it! Really exciting project
Very cool! Is the battery life any good? Tempted to try it
For the uninitiated, what is that? I am using lineageos on oneplus 6t at the mo
Also had good experience with tuxedo (if in Europe - also slim book)
As a layman, what does this mean roughly? Videos played on youtube will use more GPU than CPU?
To piggy back on this - is there any Foss for discovering new music?
Of all the distros to base it on, why would they choose fedora?