I doubt he’s broke. Far more likely that he’s just a bigot.
I doubt he’s broke. Far more likely that he’s just a bigot.
We already have the tech to let signal lights at intersections know emergency vehicles are approaching so they can direct traffic accordingly. No reason this couldn’t be adopted to autonomous vehicles.
Thanks, I’ll look into that.
I’ve never used youtube music, how are the suggestions? I use spotify at work for background music. I want to be able to give it an artist or genre and get 3-4 hours of music I know and some I may not have heard of. But it needs to match my tastes close enough that I don’t have to keep stopping what I’m doing, walk over and hit skip when it plays something horrible. Spotifys daily mixes do this pretty well. Does youtube have something similar?
When I just installed it, the second or third option that came up was “Restore purchases: Restore your previous in-app purchases made in Sync”.
This is my first time using sync so I don’t have anything to test it with.
Thank you for your service. Those really were the days.
Edit: not dismissing your current work. This place is pretty nice too :)
Thinking back to those carefree days fills me with a strange sense of melancholy. It all seems to have gone wrong somewhere along the way, and not just in terms of IM apps.
Same here. And I can’t put my finger on it. I always dismissed it as coming of age and lifestyle changes.
Yeah, it’s been so long now I don’t remember why I stopped using Trillian (and Pidgin). But when it worked, it was so much nicer just to have one program running vs 5.
This looks like a modern Trillian. It’s about time.
I know. I really want to like turn based tactical games but the RNGs end up making me rage quit before I can get into them.
My brain autocorrects x.com to x-com every time. And I just couldn’t get into that game.
But we’re totally going to own huffman by putting “fuck spez” all over it! He’ll probably shut the site down out of sheer embarrassment.
Edit: I do like how they make you show your work on HumanShader.
Or 3. Something to boost engagement numbers they can show potential shareholders.
I’ve been using https://jollyrogertelephone.com/ to do this for the past few years and it does seem to cut down on the overall # of spam calls I get. And even if that’s just placebo effect, I still get dozens of funny recordings of telemarketers getting run around to laugh at.
Edit: it looks like they have started using AI recently, which can only make it better.
:mindblown: Holy crap! You just completely solved the problem in one take didn’t you?
If you do want to check your car more anonymously, make up numbers for the last 6 digits. The first 11 digits contain all the make/model/options info, the last 6 digits are unique to each vehicle.
I can’t believe people were buying into their “franchise”. They approached me in 2020 when they were trying to expand into the town I live and I had a downtown warehouse to operate out of. After they got done explaining everything, I laughed until they hung up.
You had to buy the scooters from them at around $600 each, you were responsible for all the recovery/batteries/maintenance/damage/theft caused by customers, warranty was non-existent (“call our chinese supplier and they will totally hook you up”), and after that they took 20% off the top. Some quick math put it at over 6 months before each scooter became profitable IF nothing happened to it in that time. Someone throws it in the canal just to be a dick? Sucks to be you, you’re out $600 + whatever else you’ve put into it every time it happens.
Really came off to me that they were making their money selling to suckers who thought they were going to be entrepreneurs.
Edit: They did apparently did get someone here into it because I saw them around for a few months before disappearing completely.