The French are, understandibly, less willing to overlook Nazism than anglophones.
Then again, no one should be overlooking Nazism.
The French are, understandibly, less willing to overlook Nazism than anglophones.
Then again, no one should be overlooking Nazism.
The US arms shipments to Britain, and later after the gun runner ship Lustiana, hoping to use its civilian passengers as a shield in breach of the rules of war, led to American popular support for joining with the Allies, which they eventually did to push Germany to defeat despite the newly Sovietised Russia withdrawing.
And it might be that Dixieland and Yankeeland would support the Allies and Axis, and WWI would have had an American theatre, too opening in 1915 or so. And any major war fought in North America in the 20th century would totally alter the form US neo imperial power and hegemony took, if any at all, in the latter part of the 20th century.
As a minimum, a different US would alter how Versaille and Balfour treaties were made and what who agreed to.
I didn’t even mention the Second World War, because the first would’ve been different enough to make it having happened in a familiar form into unlikely.
On the one hand… First World War would’ve ended very differently.
On the other… Maybe eugenics would already be discredited by the 20s with how it went in Dixie.
Because they fired the guy whose job it was to tell the press who got fired. So there is no longer an official record.
Thank you, that looks like a good set of hooks for me to get into at a weekend, child allowing.
I very much appreciate the guide. I’ll let you know when I’ve had a fiddle.
I tried using PiVPN to route my phone’s Internet access through my home network, but it kept breaking and I found I don’t have a head for networks.
Would caddy be able to do that in an easier to maintain way?
I always go for a bimanual axe build as a barbarian in APRGs. You?
I got to the pokémon game, and it doesn’t work and I couldn’t work out why and beat my head against it in my freetime for a week until I just gave up… 😭😔
That user is saying it in a more conspiracy sounding way, but isn’t factually wrong as long as you replace “given” with “sold”.
The publicly built and operated Internet infrastructure was cut up and sold off in 94 by Clinton to telephone companies at very friendly rates.
Governments send money to their fellow top people, by accident if not design.
The person you’re replying to may be much further to the left than you give them credit for.
The lesser of two evils is still evil and deserves to be called such. The US is not a benevolent nation.
I mean, all the Chengdu '89 mums get rounded up at the end of May each year still.
You can’t even talk about the Cultural Revolution these days.
Even stating the fact that the RoC still exists will get your WeChat account closed.
I’m not sure what you think PRC censorship is like.
That’s good, and I’m glad to have been informed of it.
Thank you.
My copyright change is the 17 years from first publication. Feels maybe still a little long, but much better than what we have now.
OK, if you ignore the hyperbole of my pre-christmas stress aggressive start, how much of the rest do you disagree with?
Less combatitively, I’m of the stance that just make AI generated materials exempt from copyright and you’ll at least limit mass adoption in public facing things by big money. Doesn’t address all the issues, though.
If you take that image, copy it and then try to resell it for profit you’ll find you’re quickly in breach of copyright.
The LLM is, in most cases, being licensed out to users for a profit off of the input data without which it could not exist in its current form.
You could see it akin to plagiarism if you think ctrl+c, ctrl+v is too extreme.
The writer here, rereporting another interview seems fairly Musk tolerant.
RDJ probably is too. But at least he’s calling him on a few things.
Mostly agree… Not sure why you think it’s limited to Western countries though unless you’re including India and China as well as Japan as Western.
And since it’s a feature of Capitalism, I don’t imagine the rest of the world is immune to it.
It would be amazing.
Fan edit, spoofs, redubs, fan commentary tracks, watch alongs.
It could be a cultural renaissance.
I’m fairly sure that at this point pirating has been shown to lead to increased sales, even of small scale productions.
Also, no one said that people can’t keep the rights for a while, just that if you don’t let people access those things you don’t get to prosecute them for making the art available.
I didn’t like the first series, and would’ve quit it at episode 3 or so but I ended up without internet access for a couple of days and the whole series downloaded… It got better.
But yeah, life’s too short for TV shows that take time to be taken on faith. And if you did finish the first series and still not like it, more power to you.