I’ve always wanted to do van life. Can I come?
I’ve always wanted to do van life. Can I come?
Depends on what kind of ai and how much control you want over it. There are some consumer stuff like adobe or elevenlabs, but if a professional is using ai it’s likely either waves or izotope as they give way more control. Personally I use waves, their clarity pro plugins are amazing, but I know several people who use izotope as well.
The problem is doing it in real time and having it sound halfway decent. The only companies who have managed that is waves and Yamaha, the later of which requires hardware that costs $70k+.
Number 5 I think? I’ve lost count.
And this is your cue that this is serious.
They also signed contracts and have not done anything that would constitute a breach of contract. So firing them would be a breach of contract on the military’s side requiring a buyout of their contract.
All debt is bad, it is better to not own a house than to pay a mortgage levels of all debt is bad.
The only way you’re not going to be working a minimum wage job is if you have a college degree.
Ignore the financial “advice” of your parents, they’re retiring and still in debt. Real estate, and stock market. Those prices only go up over time, and although it may be difficult in the short term, long term you’ll thank yourself.
Also college is a waste, don’t do it.
The fair housing act doesn’t stop age discrimination, it protects “familial status” meaning they can’t discriminate based on a family having children, or being in a gay or lesbian relationship. It does have three exceptions to the law and they all center around senior communities.
Ace here. I feel you. I may be male presenting but I have no interest in anything beyond platonic, and even then that’s a stretch.
This is the same AG who says he wants more teen pregnancies.
I’m not smart, but as I understand it, states sue Google, case goes into discovery, Google gives up it’s evidence, states refuse to give up theirs, judge forces states to give up their evidence so discovery can continue. Although I do not agree with Google as far as the case goes (antitrust over google ads) this seems like it’s following SOP and shouldn’t be news.
Oh, we’re not that organized. The only thing that they really do is require some form of government ID. They don’t really care what they just need to identify you.
They don’t check if you’re allowed to vote, or if you’ve already voted before you vote, as those machines aren’t connected to the internet, so there’s no database to check against. It is checked after the fact when they start counting as the counting machines are connected to the internet.
We had an issue about a decade ago where they were able to hack voting machines on election day, ever since then voting machines aren’t allowed to be connected to the internet.
Where I am there’s simply too many people to have a single location, so there are 4 different locations you can vote at in the district.
As a former employee of McDonalds we’ve had these for a while, they just weren’t on the public menu.
Gotcha thank you. So standard Gaslight Obstruct Project going on.
So it shutting down because of this lawsuit is a bad thing. I wonder if the advertising industry will come up with anything to replace it.
Can someone explain like I’m dumb? This sounds bad, because a non profit is being bullied into shutting down because of a lawsuit, but it’s also being hailed as a first amendment win, which sounds like the opposite of what is happening.
Remember to donate, for your local instances operations, as well as development of lemmy.
I went looking at every state I’ve lived in and the one with the most restrictions was Texas, obviously states like New York or California will be more restrictive, but the only real restrictions that I found outside of new england / California, were switchblades or “automatic opening knives”, and carrying in locations like schools and government buildings, which I expected. I used to carry a 8” hunting knife (13” overall) when I did a bunch of outdoor work, now I carry a smaller 3” folding pocketknife (6” overall).
It’s cyclical, years ago, video quality improved dramatically, and then stagnated for almost 40 years as prices fell until it was economical for video quality to improve again. We likely won’t see a meaningful improvement for another 15-20 years, then prices will come down and then we’ll see another improvement.