Yup, I saw this yesterday, now apparently for what I can see they are trying to minimize bandwidth downloads and mass sharing of files by the account having to give one by one authorization to everyone that wants to access a file
Yup, I saw this yesterday, now apparently for what I can see they are trying to minimize bandwidth downloads and mass sharing of files by the account having to give one by one authorization to everyone that wants to access a file
Came to say exactly the same, this rules should be standard good parenting practice.
You are, and you are right to be
That suuuurely won’t blow up in spez’s stupid face /s
Because … You can say to tech illiterate investors: "hey look, look at all the activity that goes on in my site"with not much scrutiny and inflate those rookie numbers up.
There is no much incentive, in the capitalists sense, to deter spam or trolls, fear mongering and explosive comments, clickbait journalism, etc etc etc … for owners of any online outlet, it’s all in the service of ever growing traffic.
Well… do we all need to change our perfectly fine, advanced and fast pocket computer every year just to have always the latest -> IMO No.
Good for the environment that it’s a bad business year.