A horrible user experience with an insufferable userbase. I can’t believe it even lasted this long.
Who thought it would be great if similar questions overpowered the one you searched for?
A horrible user experience with an insufferable userbase. I can’t believe it even lasted this long.
Who thought it would be great if similar questions overpowered the one you searched for?
Over $700 million in preorders for something that expensive is massive
That’s true but I’m excited about the future of laptops. Some of the specs are getting really impressive while keeping low power draw. I’m currently jealous of what Apple has accomplished with literal all day battery life in a 14inch laptop. I’m hopeful some of the AMD chips will get us there in other hardware.
As a current Twitter user I would say there’s actually a large void between normal ads and whatever the hell I’m getting served on that platform these days.
I’d really advise against forcing all code contributions to be copyrighted to you. It doesn’t send a great message to contributors. It also gets murky if any libraries are used.
That’s a fair take
I think we’re thinking about it wrong. These aren’t open source people looking to contribute to projects. These are product creators looking to reach the open source community. It’s not the same mindset.
Why is Elon Musk in this comment? He’s not Technology news. Get this content out of here!
Is that what you want? But seriously the only time I see complaining is when it’s not actual tech news, just some random ass tweet he put out.
Agreed that competition only helps us users
Battle hardened > new
Unless the new has a killer feature set worth the trade off in potential bugs
Definitely I’m Minority Report as well in several scenes
Minority Report had some glass storage stuff that was fun to see. He would insert a glass slide into the machine.
I definitely don’t support nazi and far right nonsense but I don’t think deplatforming does anything except drive those people and their users into deeper echo chambers.
An actual problem to worry about too. I think there will always be people looking to contribute but as less people do AI may actually get dumber until they figure out how to train AI with AI
This would be for an ad free version.
But they’d still farm our data so no thanks.
Yes but the story example you gave has nothing to do with that?
But again you brought gender into your question…
Yes that is very unclear in the last sentence. Same with the responses beneath it.
Right but this is preorder. How often does a preorder break even for Apple? How does this income compare to the size of normal preorders?