• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023

  • That sucks. I’m sorry that happened =(

    It was like that for me on the Marvel Rivals subreddit on Reddit. I didn’t like all the smurfs (new accounts made by higher ranked players in lower ranked lobbies) but when I complained about it and said lower ranked or more casual players deserve to have fun, too, a bunch of people diminished my experiences, gleefully said they smurf, it’s a skill issue, it’s not a real problem (despite me checking enemy user profiles and sure enough, they’re all experts at this game with barely any time played and all wins in their competitive matches), just to not play, etc. It’s like pro basketball players dunking on little kid community games. They deserve to have fun, too!

    Don’t have any advice or anything, and what I said may not have made any sense to people who don’t play the game, just empathizing on how much the internet sucks sometimes and your comment reminded me of that. Now I’m angry just remembering it lol.

  • I agree. It doesn’t mean we ignore all the good they did, but it does give us a more well-rounded view of our heroes, which I think is useful to humanize them. We can take the good and evolve from the bad. This blog post isn’t asking anyone to quit D&D, it’s asking people to recognize the flaws of our forefathers of the hobby, recognize that the hobby has changed from that time, and to look forward to further change, growth, and inclusion for all of us. They created a game that will live beyond them, which is kind of awesome. At least that’s how I read it.

    Hell maybe one day I’ll have kids and grandkids and they’ll think I’m backwards in some way, and I’ll be worried or skeptical because I think they’re too radical or weird in some way. But in the end, I’ll hope they’re right despite my misgivings, because the world is better that way - if the world’s next generation is able to carry things on and improve the state of affairs at the same time. We should want that and cheer it on. And looking back at things like this, including acknowledging the flaws of our progenitors and ourselves in addition to their great works, it let’s us see all that and celebrate it, the path we’ve taken from there to here.