Barely. Give him another ten years to reach Musk or Zuckbot’s level.
Barely. Give him another ten years to reach Musk or Zuckbot’s level.
You honestly think peasants could reach the king without getting gutted by their guards within seconds?
Well, that is until the Chevron decision got knocked down.
No, it’s not. But, it’s one of those life decisions that will completely improve their future in the long run.
The cost of living where you live is just as important as the wages you make.
Agreed. Needing to “tighten the belt” out of a $200K salary is insane to me. Don’t live in Silicon Valley, and maybe you don’t need to pay four times as much for everything.
Your last sentence makes no sense.
People are sick of far-right agendas polluting the world and their countries, and realize that racism and isolationism isn’t the answer.
You might find this surprising, but elections aren’t won based on foreign policy issues.
This sounds like a horribly reductive take. Correlation does not mean causation.
Do you know how to break the cycle? Use open-source software. Use standard protocols that aren’t locked behind some greedy corporation.
Why not take the features from Discord/Slack and integrate it into a new IRC or Jabber protocol?
Microsoft spent millions of dollars and clout to lock their OEM out of offering Linux on the desktop. There’s a good reason why you don’t see Linux PCs on the shelves of Walmart.
Oh, you mean something like GPL, which has been responsible for more technological freedom than any other concept in the past 30 years, except maybe the internet? Even the Internet was built on open standards and public RFCs, with billions and billions of Internet-bound Linux devices.
Let’s not treat this like it’s some new problem. The solution is right there. Just pick it up and use it, and thank your local OSS developer for actually maintaining the other software you use.
It’s a protocol, made with open RFC docs.
Country size has a huge impact on the ability to make sweeping changes to infrastructure and public opinion. A country the size of one US state can do whatever they want and it’s not going to take 50 years to implement.
South Korea has broadband everywhere? Sure, they are a rich country the size of Indiana and lacing all of that fiber is trivial compared to the entire land mass of the US, or worse, Russia or China. Governmental demands scale much differently the larger the country, and tax doesn’t scale in a 1:1 manner to its land mass.
Their policies on automated updates, garbage QA, and recall history are huge turnoffs. Oh, and attachments to Elon Musk.
LAION is a database of URLs, gathered from publicly-available data on the Web. Who is “taking” anything?
This new “journalism” site is not doing itself any favors with bullshit headlines like this. And this is not the first wildly inaccurate article I’ve seen from 404 Media.
Spain is also the size of a single state.
No, that’s literally how the laws in most countries work. It turns out men and women have different biology.
“I’m not educated on what the man has done, but I’m going to spout my uninformed opinion, anyway.”
Funny how the Internet is a tool to be able to look up the context in only a few minutes.