It’s a quality of life improvement. You wouldn’t worry about the looks of a screwdriver if it’s better than your old one.
It’s a quality of life improvement. You wouldn’t worry about the looks of a screwdriver if it’s better than your old one.
I can definitely see certain brands doing well with their own forums. Sports teams would be a very good niche for hosting their own instances. Another one would be the entertainment industry. It’s just not feasible for companies that aren’t interesting to talk about. Like there won’t be a Coca-Cola instance worth a lot of users.
“Metaverse” was the idea that you would use only Meta services instead of the wider Internet. Much like AOL and Yahoo tried back in the 90s and 00s.
The bill text excludes video game consoles completely.
It’s hurting the commuting industry.
I ran it for a little while, but it was too much work to set up what I ultimately wanted it to do. On top of that I don’t want to have touch it after I set it up. I use a lot of dumb motion sensors instead. Not the best solution sometimes, but better than having constant downtime at the worst time.
Marketplace became the defacto replacement for craigslist in my area 😔
Yes, you can rewrite something in your own words and as it isn’t copied verbatim, then it isn’t infringement. You can’t copyright the idea of something.
I read an article in NYT and then I used the information to make money. Come sue me.
Thank you for that. The video is .mp4 1920x1080 7 minutes and 15 seconds, 1.21 GB in size! frame rate was set to “Automatic” in the stock photo app. that’s quite a big video file for 1080p. maybe there is a tool for analyzing that instead?
I have a lawyer for the criminal case, unfortunately without evidence, there’s not much to be done. If under questioning, the officer states that he did review the footage, then I can assume that he did do something. If the recording is unedited, then my phone was theoretically locked when they grabbed it since it stopped before they got there, so my phone should have been locked by then. Unfortunately, any chance to ask questions will be weeks away from now.
I think I’m still going to poke around and see if I can find some workaround to get it rooted without wiping. I know that there are more robust tools out there that the police and governments have that allow them to do it. They always say there’s no way to delete something, so there are ways they just aren’t widely available.
woops, thanks, my mind isn’t where it should be at the moment.
The issue is that I’m just totally unsure if they did anything or not. It’s been several weeks at this point so the data could be lost anyway, and it might not even matter.
This CEO just started like yesterday, they’re still in their probationary period.
There’s a lot of dumdums out there who will fall for this shit.
Seems a little inconvenient to carry a Nintendo switch in your pocket. Plus the battery life is probably not as good.
I remember having some issues with Ubuntu 10 because I had a janky pentium 4 built out of scrap. I think it was an pci ide card I had issues with.
We’ll reach a point where performance improvements are largely unnecessary. Sure, governments and corps will still privately compete to get those precious nano seconds ahead on trades or whatever.
If you have a bunch of people guess how many M&M’s are in a jar you can average the guesses and you’ll come very close to the correct amount. A recommendation system can be very democratic in that way. When reddit still had their public API I would take advantage of this fact and use it to decide if something was a “deal” or not on PC parts. I was tracking the prices of computer ram at the time as an experiment. It worked very well. If they are federated properly, then their content can be filtered and appear on an instances front page.