does anyone know if this is good material? I would apprechite the format, but i know sometimes humble bundle offers some less than ideal learning materials.
does anyone know if this is good material? I would apprechite the format, but i know sometimes humble bundle offers some less than ideal learning materials.
ok. release date will be 204x xD
perfect challenge
Ill see to add that to my first or second project. this is one of the videogame fundamentals, that i as a player rarely think about
this sounds like a good entry for 3d i feel like. at least it sparked an idea on what i could do
sounds reasonable enough :D
id love too. But i assumed i need some base skills before i attempt this. I am actually looking forward to a game jam in summer thats why i wanna learn godot.
honestly reading that, id assume that must be somewhat hard to make ^^" But ill trust your word of it not beeing so. Perhabs after i am familiarised with godots script ill give it the go.
hmm, trying to make it a small doable task for me. I think recreating super mario bris 1-1 is a classic game dev beginner thing, isnt it? collect coins, go to the under ground, have to jump and stuff.
maybe not my fist project but it is on the list ^^
i think in the sense of these small learning challenges i will approach to make a game you win by clicking ten times. i dont wanna start doing a full game. But gain a skillset to create a game in summer for a jam.
AAA movies were called that by haveing A-class actors A-class musicans and A-class production company. this correlates to nothing in Videogames. Its mostly a marketing term. I agree with most that initial budget plays the biggest role.
imo thats the only feature kdenlive is missing in comparison to other software
not really. he withdrew because if he gets the positon a moral report on his person would become public. he saw the report and withdrew. wow i wonder what it says
Really depends on what you do and value. I use lots of kde software, so kde distros are my go to. then one big diffrence between distros is how they get updated. do you want the latest updates asap on the costs of stability, or do you want an effing never crashing distro but lag behind in updates a few months/years, or a middleground.
These are the two points i considered when i choose.
thanks a lot. I really apprechiate that summery. maybe ill get to learn some best practices. since i am already makeing tiny games on my own, perhabs i outgrew some of that already.