Lidl is also a big Corp.
Lidl is also a big Corp.
“appeal to the majority doesn’t help your case”
- guy who used appeal to the majority first
Or TVs. Or people who want to sync between devices. Or download for offline. Or compensate creators. Or not bother installing 50 scripts and updating them 3 times a day. Or just do the right thing. You know, 99.99% of people.
Not familiar with Group Policies, I see?
Ah yes, the #worksonmymachine thinking.
If you watch low effort content you will get low effort content. I watch amazing content that is well worth the few bucks a month. Late night shows, stand up comedy, documentaries, news analysis, tech reviews, car reviews, programming news and tutorials, chess commentary and courses, architecture and interior design tours, sport summaries, popular science…
BTW, Walmart is a huge company, I assume you also don’t pay there? Apparently robbing corporations and farmers it also would be fine, because “the products are so low quality nowadays” …
It’s more than triple for a family plan, but you share it with people and you land well under 5 euros per person.
Please tell me how to install chrome or Firefox on a corporate laptop without admin rights, I’ll wait.
A Starbucks coffee is around 5 euros.
I don’t want to look into anything, much less if it’s less seamless, I’m satisfied with the default YouTube app on my TV.
You need admin rights to install any software.
How do I install it on my TV? How do I sync? Do I install on every device I use? What if I don’t have admin rights? What if it’s out of date and the ads play anyway?
For less than a Starbucks coffee I have a month of premium, and I don’t have to play cat and mouse.
What about my TV, where I watch most of my content? What about inter-device sync? What about paying the creators for their work?
I could also shoplift in my local supermarket, but I’m into “that sort of thing” (paying for people’s work).
Or maybe they are sharing the family plan with 2 other people and rounding up. Or they have a different plan. Or they live in a country with different prices and converting to usd. Or a handful of other reasons that doesn’t involve conspiracy theories.
Not even close to the experience.
The only one I know of is Nebula, and I only know of it because of ads. Ironically, ads on YouTube.
In what world Craigslist is honest and Alphabet is circling the drain? They make billions of profit per quarter and they have majority control of the biggest two platforms worldwide (mobile and web). We are not in the wild west years of the early web. It will be decades before Meta or Alphabet collapse, in favor of TikTok or a similar, or even worse, competitor. Mastodon and lemmy are an exception and a niche, not a rule.
Wishing something very hard doesn’t make it true.
Why would creators leave? They only earn money from users that watch ads or use premium. Ad blocker users leaving doesn’t affect them.
And if you “just leave”, guess what? You just saved them a few bucks in bandwidth. It’s a win-win for them.
It’s YouTube, they don’t need “exposure”. They are out to make a profit.
It can. But the average impact is still positive.
As soon as on user does it? Welcome, DoS attack!
This is completely wrong. You are serving video stream, you just substitute for the ad you would serve the user, at a randomized point in the video. YouTube doesn’t do this because they don’t want to reimplement the tracking and logging, but if it was financially necessary it wouldn’t be hard to do.
You would be surprised how many people will just uninstall the ad blocker the third time YouTube isn’t working for 24 hours.
Every time YouTube or twitch make a change, a certain percentage of users give up, which means more revenue.
Very interesting, thanks for the message. I might use it in my next Nas, but my workstation is staying on regular lvm, too much hassle to change probably…