Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian

More active on Bsky lately. Come check out the Starfleet Press Office!

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • Good luck. We have allies and friends who still trade with us that we don’t tariff. And as for all of this garbage from Americans asking us to absorb the US instead…

    No. Fuck you. You made this mess, you clean it the fuck up. I would not want to touch your shitty country in a hazmat suit BEFORE this recent election. Your country is toxic waste.

    If I suddenly stop posting forever in the summer it’s because I saw someone wearing a Trump hat here in Newfoundland and proceeded to do some things to him that are very much illegal.

    Note to any Americans coming to Canada though for any reason. Ditch the flags and hats and shit. We got tired of it a long time ago but I’ve outright seen people refuse to serve Americans so far who display any sort of patriotism and I kinda back them on it.

  • Oh for real. I’ve been on the bus and people ask questions like what time it is. I just respond with something wildly unhinged like “Quarter past where the past, present and future all have a collective existential crisis. But if you need a more convential and temporally linear answer, tis probably too late for this nonsense”. I’ve yet to have anyone say anything other than the most generic ass “Cool” response. Some even say thanks which is… hysterical.

  • To answer your title? Yes. Aggressively so.

    I don’t participate in their activities.

    That’s fine. There are plenty of friends I don’t share the same activities with.

    I don’t really ask them how they are, or what their interests are.

    One of the core things about being a friend with someone is getting to know them. That means their emotional state and their general interests. If you don’t show any interest in them, why would or should they show any interest in you? It’s a wasted investment.

    I don’t even engage in deep discussion with them unless I’m up for it.

    I mean that’s fine. It’s everything else that’s extremely problematic.

    When my friend sends a video that reminded her of me or that she finds funny, I don’t click it and just ignore it.

    Your friend reached out to say that they thought of you in a moment when they had no real reason to. They’re saying that because they care and want to demonstrate that. By ignoring that, you are telling them that you don’t care about whether or not they are interested in you. Whether you mean that is something else but that is the story you are telling them.

    Maybe my friends are growing apart and they text me less because of this

    Oh they 100% are. No one is going to stay in a one sided relationship for long because it’s a waste of their effort. They care and be emotionally open but get nothing in return except pain. By you not engaging with them when they try to engage with you, that comes off as you having zero interest in them. They’re going to start questioning why they keep talking to you when you don’t talk back. They are going to eventually come to the conclusion that you are not demonstrating any interest in them because you just simply are not interested in them. They will stop talking to you entirely and any memories they’ve had of you will become tarnished in their mind as a one-sided friendship.

    but I’m kind of okay with that because I know they will be there for me when I need it

    You are making an insane gamble here that will not pay off. Why would they ever be there for you? You were never there for them. You didn’t share in the small joys of life that they tried to share with you, why would they want to share in your miseries? They will only see you as a source of negative emotion. They will see you as sucking up their positive vibes towards you and showering them in negative emotion as they get nothing in return. Then they’ll feel used as you only talk to them when you need something from them. They will see you using them for an emotional cushion and realize that the only thing they are to you is a crutch. When they make that realization, they will leave you and never look back.

    and because I’m genuinely just tired/bored most of the time.

    So are most people but we make time and effort for our friends.

    One time, my friend asked me if I’d like to spend time with her, and I just point-blank said “No”.

    I can guarantee you that you hurt the hell of their feelings. Whether or not they said it? They were pretty upset. They offered to spend time with you because they like you and wanted to share in that. Asked if you’d like to spend time with them for the same reason and you rejected it. They aren’t going to know the reason unless you said it so they’re just going to invent a reason. With all of your other behaviors? They’re going to assume that you don’t like them at all and stop trying.

    IDK if that’s rude just because I’m being honest

    No, you’re being a dick. Being honest is telling the truth but that does not mean being aggressively blunt. That does not mean phrasing it in such a way as to hurt someone else or to be emotionally painful. You could have said no in a thousand different ways that would have been just as truthful while also not as hurtful.

    and also because it’s not personal, I don’t want to engage with anyone.

    Then you better not be surprised when no one wants to engage with you.

  • No. I’m using them interchangably here because they are interchangable here. You know. Because they’re synonymous. It is as simple as that. If you want, then sure. I will go back and edit my comment just for you so you can see that it doesn’t change a single bit.

    However, If you want to invent a more convoluted train of thought that you want to ascribe to me (because you, of course, know what happens in my head better than I do), by all means, but it won’t change what I meant. Nor will it get me to engage. You already spent every ounce of good will by inventing your own narrative. I’m not going to be a part of it.

  • Lemmy is built off of reddit, so fuck Lemmy right?

    Japans constitution is built off of the US Constitution, so fuck Japan right?

    The Space Program is built off of rockets that were used to kill people, so fuck the Saturn V, right?

    Canada is built off of the British so fuck Canada, right?

    Nuclear energy is built off Nuclear weapons, so fuck Nuclear energy, right?

    Chemotherapy is built off of Mustard Gas, so fuck chemotherapy, right?

    I’m guessing no to all of those and the 30 others I can spit out because you’ve got little arguments built up for each one, but here’s the problem. You have to make arguments for each one because your entire stance is nonsense. It’s just “I before E comes after C.” Is it accurate for some things? Yes. Is it accurate for the majority? Absolutely not.

    So, yes really. It is a truly insane way to live that is reductive, immature and just openly ignorant about how the world works. You have a one track mind that is so focused on hating something that you utterly and openly reject everything that comes after, regardless of how it might be different. At least, that is what you are saying if you say you reject everything based off of a bad thing. That is helpful for literally no one. Personally? I’d recommend coming at it from a mature angle and actually judging it based on what it is. To not ignore the past, but to also not ignore the future either. You have just decided to paint everything black and white. Grey exists too.

    I’m not continuing this because you do not seem to be interested in anything other than the rut-stance you’ve chosen for yourself.

    Edit: Changes made to prove dishonest trolls wrong.

  • I can’t really speak for America outside of what I hear friends say but they seem fairly similar. I’m Canadian and it’s almost the same here as it is in Germany, with the exception of therapy. Psychiatrists are often covered by healthcare but have obscene wait times. Psychologists rarely are. There are some free intake ones and what have you but otherwise you’re paying.

    America also seems similar to us in that regard too. Sometimes certain docs might be covered by your insurance but if so their wait times are insane. The ones who aren’t cost an arm and a leg. People like 35 and younger seem more open to talking about mental health issues than any of the older generations.

  • It’s two terms period. They do not have to be consecutive. There are ways for a President to serve more than 8 years but it’s very specific and not really applicable in Trumps case. Unless they decide to toss out the constitution, which honestly seems kinda likely, then it’s two terms.

    But he’s also a 80 year old man who eats McDonalds and coca cola while painting himself with orange, probably lead based, paint. I don’t expect him to survive the next 4 years to be able to run again.

  • Star Trek.

    It’s not even remotely a surprise to anyone that I’m a dedicated Trekkie and have been for quite some time. Also not much of a surprise to those aware of the Trek fandom that sometimes it can be kinda bitter towards shows that don’t fit a certain trend. I happened to like one of those shows and was looking for a place to talk where it wasn’t just constantly being bitched about. I was just googling around and found so I set up an account on to watch stuff over there for a couple months before eventually joining that instance. My original account still exists on and it’s fairly early in the run of a lot of things. I’ve also gotten a few messages to that account simply because it’s a single first name that other people wanted.

    Anyway I started posting Trek memes to Risa and it went overboard. Before I realized people were making memes about me and I just sort of stuck around. showed it’s administrators to be flagrantly abusive of not only their power but also of just people so I set up Stamets on this instance. Rest is history.

  • As someone who used to be vehemently anti-lemmy, it’s a few different reasons.

    1. It’s something new. Honestly is as simple as that. Most redditors are straight up threatened by new features, new looks, new anything. New Reddit is an example of that. To be fair it is hideous but it’s also drastically underused according to reddits own metrics. This just stays consistently with everything. People prefer old subs to new, prefer old users to new, old memes to new. Why? Dunno. Could be as simple as just that they know it so it’s comforting.

    2. The propaganda that reddit put up against Lemmy was pretty insane. The first few mini-migrations set people up with weird expectations and a lot of them bounced back to reddit with weird notions. Some of it was based on shitty admins or shitty servers (cough cough) but other things seemed to be almost coordinated against Lemmy. By the time that the big migration from Reddit killing off third party apps/API use a lot of people had heard one or two things and just started spreading it. Redditors often don’t source material and just kinda spread rumors or ‘feelings’ or upvote one idiot who seems like he knows what he’s talking about while blatantly lying. This has never gone away. The same idiots keep whining and being dismissive.

    3. Redditors are hateful. Not purely hateful people or anything but the atmosphere encourages hate and division. I still browse reddit occasionally and I’ll check the comments out about a post. It’s always so bitter and angry, snapping out at one another. When every crab in the bucket is pulling you down, you get stuck in that habit too. Until you break free of reddit you don’t realize just how bitter it’s making you. Lemmy doesn’t have those vibes and it can be really off putting to someone still in that bitterness. Kindness and people getting along almost comes off as stupid and naive so you just kinda dismiss the entirety of Lemmy as a whole.

    4. This is a conspiracy but I’m positive that Reddit admins are purging a lot of references to Lemmy that don’t show the site in a positive light. When the API shit was happening people kept pointing out that certain communities that were supportive of Lemmy suddenly got locked behind a NSFW curtain that forced users to be logged in to read the community. A lot of people talked about how certain posts and stuff were being removed, especially ones critical of Spez. I don’t think they stopped that campaign and I think they still try to demonize the hell out of Lemmy. Could be because China has a significant hand in reddit now or it could be because Spez has a tiny dick and a tinier ego. Dunno. But I think they’re weighting the scales.

  • That’s fair. It depends on the communities. Places like Tumblr and Pics had effectively no moderation which left the entire place just a shithole. But then you had places like WorldNews and StarTrek where the mods became specifically known for stirring shit and causing a boatload of problems. Hell, one particular moderator of StarTrek is the reason that so many other communities splintered off.

    For me it was a lot of heavy handed moderation. The lack of moderation was frustrating too, don’t get me wrong, but I guess the communities I was most active in were ones where people were constantly pointing out how the moderators were terrible people.