My S21 is on the verge of losing regular security updates, and I hate it. The battery is fine, the camera is more than adequate, I do not want to upgrade.
My S21 is on the verge of losing regular security updates, and I hate it. The battery is fine, the camera is more than adequate, I do not want to upgrade.
Fark is still around too.
I understand your argument. But the entire premise is grounded in the assumption of courts upholding precedent and not letting an executive operate outside the confines of the law. The president has immunity. Congress is ineffectual at best and actively evil at worst. I mean for fucks sake, the current occupant of the White House lead an attempted coup and is still being permitted to sign, enact and decree legislation. If the checks and balances in our system were functioning, I’d be willing to get in line with you. But it’s so painfully clear that they are not.
What about the last eight years has made you think these people will follow the rule of law?
Keep licking, they still won’t let you into their club.
A whole bag?
Inertia is a hell of a thing to try and overcome. It’s a big deal for most companies to change out an important piece of software, let alone an entire OS and everything that comes with it. It could happen one day, I just don’t expect to see it.
The idea isn’t to be hyper specialized to a specific task. It’s to be hyper generalized to fit into spots already being filled by human workers. The goal is for the machine to be placed in the role of a paid human worker without the need to specialize anything else in the environment, a drop-in automation solution.
My issue is that I have no reason to think AI will be used to improve my life. All I see is a tool that will rip, rend and tear through the tenuous social fabric we’re trying to collectively hold on to.
Clone Teddy Roosevelt.
Or, god help us, Joe Buck!
They’re all too busy thinking “what if they could” and nobody stops to ask “what if they should”.
I’m people, does microcenter count?
Again you’re completely right. I’m just saying that when it comes down to it, 99% of folks are not going to host their own system. And in my personal, specific case, I judged the rewards to heavily outweigh the risks, which ended up being correct. YMMV.
Out of my life, I used the video evidence to land her ass in jail and filed for divorce. She managed to claw her way out of the gutter after using crack and becoming a prostitute.
You are correct. But to be totally honest, Wyze offered an affordable cost and a low barrier to entry. It’s a tradeoff that worked out for me, but I get that it’s not the same math for everyone else.
I’ve got several Wyze cams around my house and one inside facing the main living room/kitchen area. I realize it’s an imperfect system with flaws, but at the same time that living room camera is also the reason I was able to file abuse charges against my ex wife. Not a scenario I’d want anyone to deal with, but in my case it turned out to be some of the best money I’ve ever spent.
FWIW I’m dealing with that issue, too. You can size things up and make it work okay but it’s not an amazing experience. I’m also looking at an alternative UI since the vast majority of what I want it for is browser based. I’m exploring some flavors of linux, but I have yet to encounter something that gives me the TV-like interface with PC functionality behind the scenes.