Check out Anytype too
Check out Anytype too
I have both and only use the firestick to watch YouTube because I side loaded a YouTube client that blocks ads
Hey , my bad. The pwa improvement are coming to macOS safari and not the mobile safari. I thought there were improvements on mobile safari too but nope.
Better pwa support
Set your reply to email address to your iCloud email and add a like in your signature to get people to update their address book with your new email.
You will still need to log into each web service and change your email over though. At that point, might as well use “hide my email” for all of those web services (or to anyone really).
Maybe setup a rule so that all emails arrive to you via the forward from gmail will go into a different folder for you to review. At least for a bit. Maybe after a month or 2. You can fully transition over
Report back if you get a chance to try it. I find the learning curve and is struggling to get a hang of it but I want to get a hang of it lol