As in, it is perpetually 4:20 PM on the moon?
As in, it is perpetually 4:20 PM on the moon?
This is what happens right before the major money holders abandon ship. There’s no way they don’t know this is business-suicide. I bet they got a big payday from some companies that paid Glassdoor to shoot itself in the face!
YouTube did it when Google bought them and changed everyone’s unique username to their Google account (real) name
I would wait for the cold months to pass. You’ll be paying more for heating, but if you play it right you can save on air conditioning this summer.
I miss the old Black Mirror…
Any way to view the article without signing up and paying?
If I find it, can I fly it back to base?
Real cheese takes a couple seconds to scoop or even slice. The can is as simple as flexing your finger, and an endless stream of “cheese” comes out!
There’s a reason they are ran on local analog switches!
I agree. Even internet security protocols are at risk, and the dinosaurs responsible for writing laws don’t understand basic encryption let alone the idea that it is 100% a needed concept in a free, fair, and just society.
I think a law verifying your age over the internet inherently breaks the idea of a free internet, of which we are already seeing degradation of by Google and DRM/web integrity anyways.
By your logic, any business is evil because they make money and exploit the customer. Now you win the argument, go home.
You’ll be shocked when you find out when on page 3, though!
Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.
Probably at least, like, twelve or more
Compared to the astronomical wealth waste that the US gives up each year alone, not even counting the military budget, NASA consistently brings a 7:1 profit ratio while also providing some of the most important critical science used to create clean energy.
So NASA going to the moon really does help beautify our planet, so much more than most of the other shit we waste money on.
Wow, no wonder most of the old search commands don’t even feel like they work…
My Roman numerals should multiple to equal 35, but then the county I got starts with a C… how do you multiply by fractions in Roman numerals?!
That’s a bingo!
US riots will always be localized or at least treated as such by the media, and thus isolated from the rest of the country. It’ll just be more city riots that further divide both sides, giving one justification for cracking down on the other