I’m using Thunder and really enjoying it
I’m using Thunder and really enjoying it
Which one are you using? I was looking at ironfox
I still find it interesting that the Vanadium browser in Grapheneos is Chromium based, with no possibility of extensions. I know this is for security reasons but it feels odd to still use chrome on my phone and Firefox everywhere else.
Ah yes sorry, in my haste to post I didn’t think fully about that. I’ll edit to add.
I read a really interesting comic about this industry, about a “school” called Elan. if you’ve not come across it it’s linked here but trigger warning, it is no holds barred brutal with abuse themes out of the gate
Edit: added trigger warning and spoiler, thanks @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world
I thought ages ago about a passive technology to use solar power to capture carbon dioxide and turn it into solid form.
I realised that I was trying to invent trees.
What happened to hexbear? I mean, I blocked the whole instance so I didn’t have to read their crap any more, but did it disappear?
I get stakeholders in the me-visiting community to self-empower their activity through user induced notification media
100% agree with this comment. There’s plenty of toys out there that will do whatever you’re looking for without giving you the risk of a hospital visit and relatively major surgery
Read the title as “Starbucks will brick…”
I was thinking that there’s a lesson here in not buying things that are non-core to the companies operations
Insert blues brothers meme:
We’ve both kinds, we got low code and no code
It’s fine, the code is the documentation
Michael, but he prefers Mikey
Interesting, thanks! I’d only ever seen it as amusing (UK based so couldn’t buy it anyway), but good to know how it actually stacks up. I wonder if that also means that Nancy herself would have been better to just buy an index tracker and avoid all the negative stories!
For those of you in the US, the are a couple of funds which track politician’s holdings and invest/digest with them. NANC is the democrat tracking one and KRUZ is the republican tracking one.
This way, you too can stick your snout in the trough.
What part of this don’t you understand? If two turbines is good, and three turbines is better, obviously five turbines would make us the best fucking wind platform that ever existed. Comprende? We didn’t claw our way to the top of the wind platform game by clinging to the two-turbine industry standard. We got here by taking chances. Well, five turbines is the biggest chance of all.
Because there’s only thing worse than a new world order, and that’s not being at the top of the new world order
Only mildly relevant to the topic but I saw him in this and he was awesome, a really amazing actor. The rest of the cast were good but he was a cut above.
Socialised private transport? Call it a car club and it’s private enterprise and therefore okay, like Zipcar here in the UK!
Not that I can see