That was my point. They were commending maths that was incorrect where an exact calculation is trivial, even for someone like me who is somewhat poor at mental arithmetic.
That was my point. They were commending maths that was incorrect where an exact calculation is trivial, even for someone like me who is somewhat poor at mental arithmetic.
40℅ * 41% = 16.4%
You can do it quickly in your head by using 4*4=16 and then adding on the last .4%.
Unraid is not a backup. It is good, but if your data goes wrong for different reasons or you lose the entire device, you can’t restore it. Dedicated backups are a must for anything serious!
Just got into lilypond recently and the output is really high quality. It is clear a lot of care went into its design.
It really depends on the role you are looking for. If working with data and doing analysis, you need some knowledge in stats and probability. If you are working on simulations, you will need basic calculus and algebra. If you are looking at game development, you will need basic trigonometry and vector arithmetic. The one thing you don’t need is mental arithmetic because you have a computer.
That being said, you can get by without these skills, it just becomes harder to see what you need to do, even if you would know how to implement it. This is alleviated if you are working in a team however.
Depends how much time you spend in a text editor. If it is just for a few config edits and stuff, honestly there is little reason to learn. The real benefit is if you spend a lot of time editing text due to the time saved using more powerful commands. There is the additional benefit that vi/vim is installed on practically any Linux box, so you will almost always have a familiar editor to hand in an unfamiliar environment.
Go through the tutorial. It is quite good and teaches things incrementally with real world examples. Just run vimtutor to start.
And not everyone will understand scientific notation unfortunately.
Those are two completely different things. It is like saying “why hammers not apples?” There is no logical answer, they are just two completely different things.
I think children go in dictionaries so you can look them to via name (key).
You are supposed to use the metadata editing if it is not already correct then it well automatically sort them for you. You can edit multiple tracks at once to set the album in one go for example.
Strawberry has all those things.
We all know there isn’t going to be a steam deck 3. Best we can offer is a steam deck 2 episode 2.
To be fair, they don’t control it and that is the issue
Hey, my setup works for me! Just add an option to enable CPU overheating in the next update!
I used to have a similar setup but had it stream directly into MPV using the ytdl hook. Do you have it download the videos into a cache automatically and then load from file later and if so, how did you set that up?
Client: “Can you switch these two colours, you have 1 minute to fix it or you’re fired!”
To be fair, sometimes it is right to take the code from the questions. Eg if you want behaviour x and the question is “how do I do y, my code is only doing x?” Then the code you want is from the question.