My father is in the same boat. His house is paid off and he has a small pension, but not survivable… I’m tempted to move back in to help him at this point.
In a closed time, Unmistakably wandering, Still I walk on, Forever and ever, Not to disappear
My father is in the same boat. His house is paid off and he has a small pension, but not survivable… I’m tempted to move back in to help him at this point.
😆 I hope you’re all legally armed and proficient.
💪, just as she’d want!
I’m sorry, the A-10 is the most American aircraft to ever be engineered. Think about it, when it first debuted it didn’t give two shits about friendlies of foes. That motherfucker just sprayed and prayed, often to our allies dismay. But over time she proved useful and outright scary when you heard those beautiful brrrrrrrts, like a glorious and triumphant eagle scream. They’ve tried to retire her a million times, she’s persevered. She’ll always has a glorious spot in my heart.
Edit 2: On a serious note, yes using the A-10 for CAS isn’t in Ukraine’s cards, but that doesn’t mean she’s out of the fight! 💪
They’re going to have to root out us domestic terrorists first.
If it ain’t an A-10 Warthog going brrrrrrr with its 30mm canon I sleep.
I can justify a one time purchase, but never recurring payments.
Subscriptions are a non-starter for me
Interesting, well my evaluation is that it’s worthless, not priceless, worthless. You’d never catch me dead on that shit stain of a platform.
😂 Trump is so untrustworthy I can already tell these files contain nothing of substance that wasn’t already known. More BS lip service from our resident traitor-in-chief.
Typical behavior from the party of law and order. Newsflash, it’s pedophiles all the way down.
I’m stealing this, thank you very much.
And to add to this, once many service members got to know and bond with Iraqi local nationals, many of them formed friendships that we/they hold dear. Of my service member friends we all have fond memories with them. Of the ones I’ve met since being in, they all have fond memories too.
😂 I’ve gotten two of these so far, and I’ve only been here a week.
Remember, with Republicans, cruelty is the point!
That’s the last time I vote for Gary Peters. Good riddance. Fucking cowards!
This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Most pedophiles are Republicans. Now they get to visually molest your kids legally, neat.
I mean, dude has a Deus vult tattoo so none of this should be a surprise to anyone. This dude wants a conquest. Hegseth has also said he believes there are “irreconcilable differences between the Left and the Right in America leading to perpetual conflict that cannot be resolved through the political process”. - Source
If you’re a leftist this should be your wakeup call to buy at least one firearm for protection. Our Sec Def wants us killed.
Well said friend! I agree wholeheartedly.
Haha, stupid fucks. You get what you voted for. I hope your farm closes down. Scumbag people.