Now you got me hoping trump wins, just so you fuck off back and take your weird ideas of cuisine back with you. You’re the reason everybody thinks White folk can’t cook.
Now you got me hoping trump wins, just so you fuck off back and take your weird ideas of cuisine back with you. You’re the reason everybody thinks White folk can’t cook.
Boil chicken?? What are you? British?
Agreed, he should have been killed a lot sooner.
Wow, I didn’t know Florida was hurricane proof. I’m pretty sure people lose power when the LINES ARE DOWN in Florida as well.
I already have a generator. And we are literally discussing the last leg here. Our grid is fine.
Bro, you think Republicans can control the hurricanes and I’M part of the problem? Y’all people delusional.
Do you? If power lines get knocked down, they’re ain’t gonna be no electricity. What states have “redundancies?”
Yeah no shit. But even we can’t stop MASSIVE STORMS from knocking down power lines. It has nothing to do with what grid we’re on.
Yes. Hurricanes should definitely be regulated harder.
Impeachment him?
In echo chambers. Not where it matters.
With a fanbase only beaten on the insufferable meter by rick and Morty, and MLP.
Nope. Not mad at all about not having state income tax.
Patsy Parisi over here.
Calm down Heisenberg.
What’s the longest you’ve gone without food?
*deluded. We’re not watering people down for fucks sake.
Greetings fellow old! Quail(sp) was a dumbass tho.
Yeah no kidding. Why else would anybody vote for the dude?
You just said you were English. What is it? You claim whatever is convenient at the moment?